Forensic psychiatric expertise: posttraumatic stress disorder

This article presents our experiences in the field of forensic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Objective. The study examined parameters of 30 patients with PTSD who were the subject of forensic expertise (PTSDF) and in 30 patients with PTSD who were not (PTSDN). Methods. Clinical research and the battery of tests (Impact of Event Scale - IES, Mississippi Scale, and list of symptoms of PCL-M) covered a total of 60 male subjects with a verified diagnosis of PTSD. The study involved socio-demographic variables, catastrophic experience, enduring personality change after catastrophic experience (EPCACE), comorbidity disorders and non-material damage. Results. In terms of respondents' average age, years of education, marital status, time of military engagement, there were no statistically significant differences between PTSDF and PTSDN groups. In terms of EPCACE statistically significant differences were found in both PTSDF and PTSDN groups. Among PTSDF respondents (N=30) EPCACE was verified in 83.33% (N=25), and among PTSDN in 23.33% (N=7) (p<0.05). In terms of comorbidity disorders and the parameter of non-material damage no statistically significant differences were found either in PTSDF or PTSDN group. Conclusion. In terms of EPCACE there were statistically significant differences both in PTSDF and PTSDN group. Forensic and psychiatric meaning of PTSD encompasses a number of complex elements on which forensic expert opinion depends, while the existence of PTSD diagnosis itself does not affect creation of opinions. The study should serve to identify methodological and conceptual problems in the field of forensic aspects of PTSD.

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Stojakovic MB, | 2011
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo = Serbian archives of medicine | 139 | Suppl 1 | december | 46-51