The effectiveness of psychoanalytic / psychodynamic psychotherapy for reducing suicide attempts and self-harm : systematic review and meta-analysis

Background: Preventing suicide and self-harm is a global health priority. Although there is a growing evidence base for the effectiveness of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic psychotherapies for a range of disorders, to date there has been no systematic review of its effectiveness in reducing suicidal and self-harming behaviours. 

Aims: To systematically review randomised controlled trials of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic psychotherapies for suicidal attempts and self-harm. 

Method: We searched PubMed, PsycINFO, Psycharticles, CINAHL, EMBASE and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials for randomise controlled trials of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic psychotherapies for reducing suicide attempts and self-harm. 

Results: Twelve trials (17 articles) were included in the meta-analyses. Psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapies were effective in reducing the number of patients attempting suicide (pooled odds ratio, 0.469; 95% CI 0.274–0.804). We found some evidence for significantly reduced repetition of self-harm at 6-month but not 12-month follow-up. Significant treatment effects were also found for improvements in psychosocial functioning and reduction in number of hospital admissions. 

Conclusions: Psychoanalytic and psychodynamic psychotherapies are indicated to be effective in reducing suicidal behaviour and to have short-term effectiveness in reducing self-harm. They can also be beneficial in improving psychosocial well-being. However, the small number of trials and moderate quality of the evidence means further high-quality trials are needed to confirm our findings and to identity which specific components of the psychotherapies are effective.

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Stephen Briggs, Gopalakrishnan Netuveli, Nick Gould, Antigone Gkaravella, Nicole S. Gluckman, Patricia Kangogyere, Ruby Farr, Mark J. Goldblatt and Reinhard Lindner | 2019
In: The British Journal of Psychiatry ; ISSN: 0007-1250 (Print) 1472-1465 (Electronic) 0007-1250 (Linking) | 214 | 6 | 320-328
Prevention, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Suicidality, Systematic Review