From the editors . . . An introduction to a Special Issue : A focus on mental health and psychosocial support in Afghanistan

Afghanistan continues to face extraordinary challenges after almost 40 years of continuous armed conflict. Despite these difficulties, many Afghans have been working tirelessly to protect, rebuild, develop and maintain their national institutions. One such effort was the National Strategy for a Mentally Healthy Afghanistan [Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GOIRA), & Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), 2009], which recognised the impact of conflict on mental health and psychosocial wellbeing. The National Strategy laid out an ambitious scheme for establishing integrated and comprehensive mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in the country. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Public Health, professional psychiatric care is now part of the Basic Package of Health Services and Essential Package of Hospital Services. Furthermore, primary care doctors, assisted by paraprofessionals, are available to diagnose and treat people with mental health, neurological and substance use disorders, working in settings ranging from the hospital to the community.

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Martha Bragin, Bree Akesson, Bezhan Ayubi, Marian Tankink | 2018
In: Intervention: Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas, ISSN 1571-8883 | 16 | 3 | 197-201
Afghans, Editorial, Mental health