Dissociation, PTSD, and Substance Abuse: An Empirical Study

Few studies have examined the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance use disorder, and dissociation. We studied 77 women with current PTSD and substance dependence, classified into high- versus low-dissociation groups per the Dissociative Experiences Scale. They were compared on trauma- and substance-related symptoms, cognitions, coping skills, social adjustment, trauma history, psychiatric symptoms, and self-harm/suicidal behaviors. We found the high-dissociation group consistently more impaired than the low-dissociation group. Also, the sample overall evidenced relatively high levels of dissociation, indicating that even in the presence of recent substance use, dissociation remains a major psychological phenomenon. Indeed, the high-dissociation group reported stronger expectation that substances could manage their psychiatric symptoms. The high-dissociation group also had more trauma-related symptoms and childhood histories of emotional abuse and physical neglect. The discussion addresses methodology, the chemical dissociation hypothesis, and the need for a more nuanced understanding of how substances are experienced in relation to dissociative phenomena.

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Lisa M. Najavits, Marybeth Walsh | 2012
In: Journal of Trauma and Dissociation = ISSN 1529-9732 | 13 | 1 | januari-februari | 115-126