Development and preliminary validation of a screen for interpersonal childhood trauma experiences among school-going youth in Durban, South Africa

This paper describes the development and preliminary validation of the Developmental Trauma Inventory (DTI), which is a 36-item, retrospective, self-administered screen for interpersonal childhood trauma experiences developed specifically for the South African context. Preliminary validation of the inventory was conducted using a sample of 720 school-going adolescents attending a high school in the Durban Metropolitan area (South Africa). Factor analysis produced the best fit for a 10-factor model (emotional abuse, community assault, domestic assault, poverty, witnessing community violence, witnessing domestic violence, indecent assault, domestic neglect, rape, and domestic injury). Contrary to expectations, items relating to loss and separation (e.g. death of a parent) did not produce a clear factor structure. Identified scales had good internal consistency (0.70 to 0.81), low factor inter-correlations, and high concurrent criterion-related validity in the sense that all scales were significantly correlated with scores on clinical measures of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/or complex PTSD. These findings provide preliminary support for the utility of DTI in the South African context.

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Collings SJ,Valjee SR,Penning SL, | 2013
Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health | 25 | 1 | 23-34