Cultural Psychiatry in Tel Aviv: How relevant!

The First Mediterranean Conference on Cultural Psychiatry took place in Tel Aviv, Israel. This conference was a great success. With about 200 participants, mostly from Israel but with also 46 participants coming from 13 other countries: Mediterranean countries, Europe, North America and Australia. It contained three intensive days of plenary lectures and symposia, and a very impressive film, Waltz with Bashir. The proceedings included 88 lectures, and there were 8 posters, which meant that nearly half of the attending persons were giving a lecture, as is always the case in real scientific conferences. Four parallel programs were running at the same time, which made it very difficult to choose which to attend. Inevitably, this report reflects only a part of the conference.

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Rohlof H,Uhlman A, | 2013
Israel Journal of Psychiatry | 50 | 1 | 68-70