Collective Healing : A Social Action Approach. Supplement to support sustainable use of Narrative Theatre

The Centre Ubuntu is Non-Profit Organisation based in Bujumbura, Burundi. In 2005, the Centre adopted Narrative Theatre as a main strategy to strengthen the social fabric of the communities they serve, and to facilitate healing in areas traumatised by war. A collective healing course, based on Narrative Theatre, was held with all of the staff at the Centre as an initial psychosocial training. Over the past five years, the strategy has evolved into a more comprehensive, community-based approach to strengthen social fabric and healing in Burundi. This document should be read as a supplement to the Narrative Theatre training manual, as a strategy to build sustainable and supportive actions, flowing from community plans. Local elected committees translate the plans into sustained healing action and a supportive environment. It is based on sound theoretical frameworks and covers the particular approaches developed in Burundi by Centre Ubuntu using the outcomes of Narrative Theatre to mobilise and strengthen communities. Although the work described is specific to Burundi it can be applied in different settings that use Narrative Theatre by adapting the responses to the local situation.

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