The case for—and challenges of—faith-sensitive psychosocial programming

Drawing upon evidence compiled in a recent literature review, we identify five arguments for seeking faith-sensitivity in psychosocial programming: it is indicated by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS); it is implied by humanitarian law and principles; religion is an active and effective source of coping in many contexts; local faith actors have a ‘comparative advantage’ in humanitarian settings; and engaging with religion is coherent with emerging policy and practice. However, we also identify three major challenges in implementing faith-sensitive programming: religion may be used as a basis for maladaptive coping; religious engagement is considered a threat to impartiality; and practices of engaging with religion are poorly documented, disseminated and developed. This suggests the value of guidance on faith-sensitive psychosocial programming—consistent with the existing IASC MHPSS guidelines—suitable for implementation by both faith-based and non-faith-based actors.


 The role of faith in supporting well-being and recovery and the importance of engaging with local capacities andinstitutions both pointtothe relevance of faith-sensitive psychosocial programming. 

 Humanitarian law and principles promote respect for religious practice and freedom of religion. 

 Humanitarian agencies are potentially discouraged from engaging with religion by concerns about partiality, proselytism and the potential for religion to ferment conflict. 

 There is a need to develop, document and disseminate appropriate faith-sensitive programming practices more effectively.

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Wendy Ager, Michael French, Atallah Fitzgibbon & Alastair Ager | 2019
In: Intervention: Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas, ISSN 1571-8883 | 17 | 117 | January-June | 69-75
Humanities, Literature Review, Mental health, Psychosocial support, Religion