A Brief Reflection on Paper Titled “Mental Health Training of Primary Health Care Workers : Case Reports from Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Jordan”

Reading the paper more than a decade after publishing it in the journal Intervention in 2011 brought back memories of the fieldwork done in Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Jordan. The objective of this paper was to share the lessons learnt about the integration of mental health into primary healthcare in three settings. I remember that already in 2011, I shared the paper with all the relevant stakeholders whom I mentioned in the acknowledgement section of the paper. The feedback from all of them who responded was generally positive. It means that they read the paper and that they were in agreement with its content and findings.

Boris Budosan | 2023
In: Intervention, the Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas ; ISSN: 1571-8883 | 21 | 1 | avril | 70-71
Jordan, Mental health, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Training programs