Computer Game Play Reduces Intrusive Memories of Experimental Trauma via Reconsolidation-Update Mechanisms

Memory of a traumatic event becomes consolidated within hours. Intrusive memories can then flash back repeatedly
into the mind’s eye and cause distress. We investigated whether reconsolidation—the process during which memories
become malleable when recalled—can be blocked using a cognitive task and whether such an approach can reduce
these unbidden intrusions. We predicted that reconsolidation of a reactivated visual memory of experimental trauma
could be disrupted by engaging in a visuospatial task that would compete for visual working memory resources. We

Trauma exposure and refugee status as predictors of mental health outcomes in treatment-seeking refugees

Aims and method This study aimed to identify predictors of symptom severity for
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression in asylum seekers and refugees
referred to a specialised mental health centre. Trauma exposure (number and domain
of event), refugee status and severity of PTSD and depression were assessed in 688
Results Symptom severity of PTSD and depression was significantly associated with
lack of refugee status and accumulation of traumatic events. Four domains of

Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Associated with Premature Senescence? A Review of the Literature

Objective: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has major public health significance.
Evidence that PTSD may be associated with premature senescence (early or accelerated
aging) would have major implications for quality of life and healthcare policy.
We conducted a comprehensive review of published empirical studies relevant to
early aging in PTSD. Method: Our search included the PubMed, PsycINFO, and PILOTS
databases for empirical reports published since the year 2000 relevant to early

Efficacy of an integrative CBT for prolonged grief disorder: A long-term follow-up

While some intervention trials have demonstrated efficacy in treating prolonged grief disorder (PGD), data on long-term treatment effects are scarce.

Effectiveness of the implementation of guidelines for anxiety disorders in specialized mental health care

To examine the effect of implementing anxiety disorders guidelines on guideline adherence and patient outcomes in specialized mental health care.
A treatment setting in which guidelines were implemented (intervention condition) was compared with one in which guidelines were only disseminated (control condition).

Role of morality in the experience of guilt and shame within the armed forces

Despite advances in our understanding of mental health issues among military forces, a large proportion of military personnel continue to exhibit deployment-related psychological issues. Recent work has identified symptoms of guilt and shame related to moral injury as contributing significantly to combat-related mental health issues. This systematic scoping review explores the association between morality and symptoms of guilt and shame within military forces.

Religion and the risk of suicide: longitudinal study of over 1 million people

Durkheim’s seminal historical study demonstrated that religious affiliation reduces suicide risk, but it is unclear whether this protective effect persists in modern, more secular societies.
To examine suicide risk according to Christian religious affiliation and by inference to examine underlying mechanisms for suicide risk. If church attendance is important, risk should be lowest for Roman Catholics and highest for those with no religion; if religiosity is important, then ‘conservative’ Christians should fare best.

Evaluation of cognitive restructuring for post-traumatic stress disorder in people with severe mental illness

A cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) programme designed for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in people with severe mental illness, including breathing retraining, education and cognitive restructuring, was shown to be more effective than usual services.
To evaluate the incremental benefit of adding cognitive restructuring to the breathing retraining and education components of the CBT programme (trial registration: identifier: NCT00494650).
