Systematic review : REM sleep, dysphoric dreams and nightmares as transdiagnostic features of psychiatric disorders with emotion dysregulation - Clinical implications

Background: Fragmented rapid eye movement (REM) sleep disrupts the overnight resolution of emotional distress, a process crucial for emotion regulation. Emotion dysregulation, which is common across psychiatric disorders, is often associated with sleep disturbances. This systematic review explores how REM sleep and nightmares affect emotion processing and regulation in individuals with psychiatric disorders where emotion dysregulation is a key concern, suggesting novel sleep-related treatment pathways.

Epidemiology of DSM-5 PTSD and ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD in the Netherlands

Introduction: Information regarding the prevalence of potentially traumatic events (PTEs), DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and ICD-11 complex PTSD (CPTSD) in the Netherlands is currently lacking, as is data on treatment uptake and treatment barriers. We aimed to provide prevalence estimates for potentially traumatic events, PTSD and CPTSD in the Netherlands, describe treatment seeking behavior and explore associated risk factors.


Application of life history theory to explain the association between childhood maltreatment and adulthood sleep problems in Chinese men with drug abuse : multiple mediating roles of emotion regulation, future-oriented coping, and anxiety

Background: Despite the practical importance of addressing the drug user’s sleep problems to enhance the efficacy of treatment and rehabilitation, little is known about whether and how history of childhood maltreatment relates to this issue. This study takes an evolutionary perspective to investigate the associations between history of childhood maltreatment and sleep problems in adults with drug abuse via their emotion regulation difficulties, future-oriented coping, and anxiety.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Dissociation in a Clinical Sample of Refugees in the Netherlands : Evidence for a Dissociative Subtype

An increasing number of studies have been investigating the co-occurrence of posttraumatic symptoms and dissociation in trauma-exposed samples. As traumatized refugees are particularly susceptible to developing posttraumatic stress  disorder (PTSD), the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between PTSD and dissociation in a traumatized refugee sample. 


The prevalence and risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety among older survivors post-earthquake : A systematic review and meta-analysis

The occurrence of PTSD, depression, and anxiety is notably high among older adults following an earthquake. This research aimed to assess the prevalence and determinants of mental health conditions among older survivors after an earthquake.

The adjustment disorder is not a wastebasket diagnosis: a grounded theory study of psychiatrists’ and psychologists’ clinical reasoning

Background: the aim of this study is to understand the diagnostic process undertaken by psychiatrists and psychologists regarding adjustment disorder (AD) in their clinical practice and how they differentiate it from major depressive episode (MDE).



The prevalence of lifetime trauma and association with physical and psychosocial health among adults at the end of life


National guidelines recognize lifetime trauma as relevant to clinical care for adults nearing the end of life. We determined the prevalence of early life and cumulative trauma among persons at the end of life by gender and birth cohort, and the association of lifetime trauma with end-of-life physical, mental, and social well-being.



Betrayal Trauma and Personality Pathology : An Integrated Review

Personality pathology is a common and debilitating problem for many, and among the factors associated with personality pathology is trauma. Recent research on the association between personality pathology and trauma has highlighted the role of trauma perpetrated by a person whom the victim trusts and/or relies upon for support (i.e., betrayal trauma).

Living with grief and thriving after loss : a qualitative study of Chinese parents whose only child has died

Introduction: Chinese bereaved parents over the age of 49 who have lost their only child are known as shidu parents. This study aimed to explore their symptoms of prolonged grief disorder (PGD) and post-traumatic growth (PTG).
