Haunted by the past : old emotions remain salient in insomnia disorder

Studies suggest that sleep supports persistent changes in the neuronal representation of emotional experiences such that they are remembered better and less distressful when recalled than when they were first experienced. It is conceivable that sleep fragmentation by arousals, a key characteristic of insomnia disorder, could hamper the downregulation of distress. In this study, we sought further support for the idea that insomnia disorder may involve a lasting deficiency to downregulate emotional distress.

Does prolonged exposure increase suicide risk? Results from an active duty military sample

The efficacy of prolonged exposure (PE) on suicide ideation (SI) as a secondary outcome among individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is unclear. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of PE in two formats (spaced, S-PE, 10 sessions over 8 weeks, and massed, M-PE, 10 sessions over 2 weeks) to Present Centered Therapy (PCT) and minimal contact control (MCC) on SI exacerbation among patients without suicide intent or plans. Active duty military personnel (n = 335) were randomized to: (1) S-PE vs. PCT and (2) M-PE vs. MCC.

A novel process-based approach to improve resilience : Effects of computerized mouse-based (gaze) contingent attention training (MCAT) on reappraisal and rumination

Stress dysregulation is a transdiagnostic marker of emotional disorders, related to biases in attention toward negative information. We adapted a computerized process-based training targeting these attention mechanisms through mouse-based contingency responses and examined its effects on reappraisal and rumination.


‘Walk and talk’ 3MDR psychotherapy for PTSD

BARCELONA – The therapeutic setting for individual psychotherapy has shifted over the years from the analytic couch, with the therapist discretely tucked out of sight, to facing chairs, a similarly sedentary format.

Complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) following captivity : a 24-year longitudinal study

Background: The World Health Organization(WHO) International Classification of Diseases, 11th version (ICD-11), has proposed a new trauma-related diagnosis of complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), separate and distinct from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, to date, no study has examined CPTSD over time.

Objectives: This prospective study aimed to examine predictors and outcomes of latent classes of PTSD and CPTSD following war captivity.

The temporal dynamics of symptoms during exposure therapies of PTSD : a network approach

Background: Analysis of dynamic (temporal) networks allows an identification of important targets of treatment.

Objective: This study examined the dynamic network of symptoms in patients diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during exposure therapy.

Individual prediction of psychotherapy outcome in posttraumatic stress disorder using neuroimaging data

Trauma-focused psychotherapy is the first-line treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but 30–50% of patients do not benefit sufficiently. We investigated whether structural and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI/rs-fMRI) data could distinguish between treatment responders and non-responders on the group and individual level. Forty-four male veterans with PTSD underwent baseline scanning followed by traumafocused psychotherapy.

Psychometric evaluation of the Hamburg Nightmare Questionnaire (HNQ)

Background: Nightmares are a widespread phenomenon. In comparison to the general population, they occur in mentally ill and especially in traumatized individuals with an increased frequency. Despite the high prevalence, there is no short questionnaire in the German language that is able to characterize nightmares, to differentiate between different nightmare types and to assess their impact on daytime functioning.

Objective: The Hamburg Nightmare Questionnaire (HNQ) has been developed as a short self-rating instrument to fill this gap.

Risk Factors for Child Sexual Abuse Victimization : A Meta-Analytic Review

Experiencing child sexual abuse (CSA) is a major public health problem with serious consequences for CSA victims. For effective assessment and (preventive) intervention, knowledge on risk factors and their effects is crucial. Here, the aim was to synthesize research on associations between (putative) risk factors and CSA victimization. In total, 765 (putative) risk factors were extracted from 72 studies, which were classified into 35 risk domains. A series of three-level meta-analyses produced a significant mean effect for 23 of the 35 risk domains ranging from r = .101 to r = .360.

Do early interventions prevent PTSD? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the safety and efficacy of early interventions after sexual assault

Objective: To review the safety and efficacy of early interventions after sexual assault in reducing or preventing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Method: Systematic searches were performed on studies (1980–2018) that examined the efficacy of interventions for PTSD within 3 months after sexual assault.
