Risk and protective factors, stressors, and symptoms of adjustment disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic – First results of the ESTSS COVID-19 pan-European ADJUST study

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic exposes individuals to multiple stressors, such as quarantine, physical distancing, job loss, risk of infection, and loss of loved ones. Such a complex array of stressors potentially lead to symptoms of adjustment disorder. 


Objective: This cross-sectional exploratory study examined relationships between risk and protective factors, stressors, and symptoms of adjustment disorder during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The long-lasting impact of childhood trauma on adult chronic physical disorders


It is unclear if childhood trauma (CT) is an independent risk factor of adult chronic physical disorders or whether its impact is (also) due to underlying poorer mental health.



Do Initial Mental Health, Somatic, and Social Problems Predict Postdisaster Lack of Social Support in the Medium Term? A Latent Profile Analysis

Objective: Findings on the relationship between social support and mental health problems after potentially traumatic events vary across studies. Aim of our longitudinal study is to assess to what extent initial postdisaster mental health, somatic, and social functioning problems affect social support 1.5 years later. This is relevant for the discussion about social causation versus social selection processes.


Loneliness in Bereavement : Measurement Matters

The role of loneliness in the bereavement experience has been reported as substantial, with the death of a close person leaving a considerable void in the life of the bereaved. Yet, there is lack of agreement about its precise role and, notably, whether loneliness should be included as a core symptom for diagnosis of grief complications.

“If Only I Could Start All over…” A Case Study of Spiritual Care Provision to a Patient with a Psychiatric Disorder Requesting Physician-Assisted Dying in The Netherlands

In a growing number of countries, legislation permits physicians—under strict conditions—to grant a request for physician-assisted dying (PAD). Legally allowing for the possibility of granting such a request is in accordance with central humanistic values such as respect for autonomy and self-determination. The Netherlands is one of few countries where severe suffering from a psychiatric illness qualifies as a ground for a request for PAD.


Efficacy of an Internet-based cognitive-behavioural grief therapy for people bereaved by suicide : a randomized controlled trial

Background: The loss of a loved one due to suicide can be a traumatic event associated with prolonged grief and psychological distress.


Objective: This study examined the efficacy of an Internet-based cognitive-behavioural grief therapy (ICBGT) specifically for people bereaved by suicide.


Practical guidelines for online Narrative Exposure Therapy (e-NET) – a short-term treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder adapted for remote delivery

Background: Online therapy has become increasingly desirable and available in recent years, with the current COVID-19 pandemic acting as a catalyst to develop further protocols enabling therapists to conduct online treatment safely and efficaciously. Offering online treatment potentially means that treatments are available to clients who would otherwise have no access, closing the gap in the provision of mental health services worldwide.


Using clinical expertise and empirical data in constructing networks of trauma symptoms in refugee youth

Background: In recent years, many adolescents have fled their home countries due to war and human rights violations, consequently experiencing various traumatic events and putting them at risk of developing mental health problems. The symptomatology of refugee youth was shown to be multifaceted and often falling outside of traditional diagnoses.


Combining a single session of prolonged exposure with physical activity in patients with PTSD: The effect of sequence

Adding physical activity may be a promising new strategy to augment the effectiveness of prolonged exposure (PE) therapy in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, it is unknown whether it is more effective to provide the physical activities before or after PE for PTSD. Therefore, the current study examined the influence of the sequence in which physical activity and PE are applied, on the primary outcome measures of trauma-related distress and vividness.
