Veterans PTSD Workingdog Research (VPWR) : The interaction between service dogs and veterans/first aid responders with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Dutch title: Veteranen PTSS Werkhonden Onderzoek (VPWR) De interactie tussen hulphonden en veteranen/eerstehulpverleners met Posttraumatische Stress Stoornis (PTSS)


Trauma-focused treatments for refugee children : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of KIDNET versus EMDR therapy versus a waitlist control group (KIEM)

Background: Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in refugees is reportedly higher in comparison to the general population. Refugee children specifically are often coping with trauma and loss and are at risk for mental health difficulties. With staggering numbers of people seeking refuge around the world and 50% being 18 years or younger, research examining the effects of trauma-focused therapies for refugee children with PTSD is highly needed.

Longitudinal studies on cohesion in a military context : A systematic review

Cohesion is one of the most studied group phenomena and there is an agreement among scholars today that cohesion is a key contributor to team functioning and performance. A large body of research has shown that cohesion has several positive effects on psychological, social, and behavioral outcomes. Since research on cohesion has increased significantly in recent decades there is a need for an updated overview of research regarding antecedents and outcomes of cohesion in a military context. In this paper, a systematic literature review is conducted.


Ketamine for the treatment of mental health and substance use disorders : comprehensive systematic review


In the past twodecades,subanaestheticdosesofketaminehave been demonstrated to have rapid and sustained antidepressant effects, and accumulating research has demonstrated ketamine’s therapeutic effects for a range of psychiatric conditions.



In light of these findings surrounding ketamine’s psychotherapeutic potential, we systematically review the extant evidence on ketamine’s effects in treating mental health disorders.



Treating Trauma-related Disorders in Later Life : Moving Forward

Among stress-related disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) takes a central position. Although the percentage of older adults suffering from this condition appears to be lower than among younger adults, PTSD among them often presents a serious condition with high comorbidity rates. In this contribution, recent insights into post-traumatic stress disorder among older people as well as psychotherapeutic treatments are discussed. In particular, the results of recently completed investigations are discussed.


Acute stress reactivity and intrusive memory development : a randomized trial using an adjusted trauma film paradigm

Understanding the neurobiological and cognitive processes underlying the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its specific symptoms may facilitate preventive intervention development. Severe traumatic stress and resulting biological stress system activations can alter contextual memory processes. This may provide a neurobiological explanation for the occurrence of intrusive memories following trauma.

Psychopathology and resilience in older adults with posttraumatic stress disorder : a randomized controlled trial comparing narrative exposure therapy and present-centered therapy

Objective: Using data from a randomized controlled trial on psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in older adults (aged >55), this study aimed at analysing the efficacy of two psychological interventions in terms of self-reported symptoms, comorbid  psychopathology and resilience outcomes.


Video intervention to increase treatment-seeking by healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic : randomised controlled trial

Many healthcare workers do not seek help, despite their enormous stress and greater risk for anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


This study screened for psychopathology and evaluated the efficacy of a brief, social contact-based video intervention in increasing treatment-seeking intentions among healthcare workers (trial registration: NCT04497415). We anticipated finding high rates of psychopathology and greater treatment-seeking intentions post-intervention.


Enhancing Discovery of Genetic Variants for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Through Integration of Quantitative Phenotypes and Trauma Exposure Information.

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is heritable and a potential consequence of exposure to traumatic stress. Evidence suggests that a quantitative approach to PTSD phenotype measurement and incorporation of lifetime trauma exposure (LTE) information could enhance the discovery power of PTSD genome-wide association studies (GWASs).

Could the DSM-5 Cultural Formulation Interview Hold Therapeutic Potential? : Suggestions for Further Exploration and Adaptation Within a Framework of Therapeutic Assessment

The Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI), included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is a person-centered instrument for systematically appraising the impact of cultural factors in psychiatric assessment. A number of key areas in the future development of the CFI have been identified in order to ensure further clinical uptake.

