Choosing the right track : improving PTSD treatment outcomes for patients with childhood abuse-related posttraumatic stress disorder

Physical and sexual abuse during childhood can have long lasting consequences such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Prolonged Exposure (PE) is an established and effective guideline treatment for PTSD. Nevertheless, a considerable number of patients drop out from treatment or do not (completely) recover from PTSD during PE. It has been suggested that patients with PTSD resulting from childhood abuse are specifically at risk for suboptimal treatment outcomes.


The Efficacy of 90-Min Versus 60-Min Sessions of Prolonged Exposure for PTSD : A Randomized Controlled Trial in Active-Duty Military Personnel

Objective: Prolonged exposure (PE) therapy is a first-line posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment, but the manualized 90-min session format constitutes a barrier to adopting PE in most settings because they use 60-min sessions for scheduling and billing. We examined whether 60-min PE sessions were as effective and efficient as 90-min PE sessions.


Barriers and facilitators for treatment-seeking in adults with a depressive or anxiety disorder in a Western-European health care setting : a qualitative study


Previous research on barriers and facilitators regarding treatment-seeking of adults with depressive and anxiety disorders has been primarily conducted in the Anglosphere. This study aims to gain insight into treatment-seeking behaviour of adults with depressive and anxiety disorders in a European healthcare system.



Opportunities for the Use of Brief Scalable Psychological Interventions to Support Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Context of the Climate Crisis

Climate change is negatively impacting mental health through multiple pathways. Research to date has largely focused on characterising the link between climate change and mental health and no mental health and psychosocial support intervention has been explicitly designed to address the mental health consequences of climate change. In this commentary, we argue that brief, scalable psychological interventions represent an opportunity to fill this gap.

Drama Therapy as a Mental Health Intervention for Women in the Shatila Refugee Camp, Lebanon

Shatila camp is the largest refugee camp in Lebanon and home to many refugees needing psychological support as a result of war and postmigration stress. However, there is a severe lack of mental healthcare resources and strong social stigma towards psychological and psychiatric interventions.


In-office, in-home, and telehealth cognitive processing therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans : a randomized clinical trial

Trauma-focused psychotherapies for combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in military veterans are efficacious, but there are many barriers to receiving treatment. The objective of this study was to determine if cognitive processing therapy (CPT) for PTSD among active duty military personnel and veterans would result in increased acceptability, fewer dropouts, and better outcomes when delivered In-Home or by Telehealth as compared to In-Office treatment.


Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of PTSD symptom severity in three military cohorts implicates DNA methylation changes in genes involved in immune system and oxidative stress

Epigenetic factors modify the effects of environmental factors on biological outcomes. Identification of epigenetic changes that associate with PTSD is therefore a crucial step in deciphering mechanisms of risk and resilience. In this study, our goal is to identify epigenetic signatures associated with PTSD symptom severity (PTSS) and changes in PTSS over time, using whole blood DNA methylation (DNAm) data (MethylationEPIC BeadChip) of military personnel prior to and following combat deployment.

The Impact of Service Dogs on Military Veterans and (Ex) First Aid Responders With Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Due to its novelty and lack of empirical study it remains unclear if a service dog truly mitigates the burden of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. To cross sectionally investigate the effect of service dogs on veterans and first aid responders with PTSD, we studied subjective and physiological parameters in 65 individuals divided over four groups. These groups were: veterans and first aid responders with PTSD and a service dog (n = 20), with PTSD and a companion dog (n = 10), with PTSD without a dog (n = 12) and a group without PTSD (n = 23).


Investigating the Efficacy and Experiences With Narrative Exposure Therapy in Severe Mentally Ill Patients With Comorbid Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Receiving Flexible Assertive Community Treatment : A Mixed Methods Study

Background: Patients with severe mental illness with repeated interpersonal trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have a negative illness progression. Traumas are often not treated because of their vulnerability. Narrative exposure therapy (NET) is an effective trauma therapy. It is unknown whether NET is effective and tolerable in these patients receiving community mental healthcare.

