Study development and protocol for a cohort study examining the impact of baseline social cognition on response to treatment for people living with post-traumatic stress disorder

Background: Social cognitive impairments, specifically in facial emotion processing and mental state attribution, are common in post-traumatic stress disorder. However few studies so far have examined whether social cognitive ability impacts on PTSD recovery.


Objective: To examine whether baseline social cognitive abilities are associated with treatment outcomes following trauma-focused therapy for PTSD.


The Redesign and Validation of Multimodal Motion-Assisted Memory Desensitization and Reconsolidation Hardware and Software : Mixed Methods, Modified Delphi–Based Validation Study

Background: In recent years, the delivery of evidence-based therapies targeting posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been the focus of the Departments of Defense in countries such as Canada, the Netherlands, and the United States. More than 66% of military members continue to experience symptoms of PTSD that significantly impact their daily functioning and quality of life

Moral Injury in Trauma-Exposed, Treatment-Seeking Police Officers and Military Veterans : Latent Class Analysis

Exposure to morally injurious events may have a severe, prolonged negative impact on psychosocial functioning, known as moral injury (MI). Research into the prevalence of MI has mostly focused on event exposure rather than on psychosocial impact. Also, the relationship between MI and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remains a matter of interest.


“Only One Way Out”-Partners' Experiences and Grief Related to the Death of Their Loved One by Suicide or Physician-Assisted Dying Due to a Mental Disorder

Background: Previous research has provided insight into the grief of suicide survivors, but little is known about grief following physician-assisted dying (PAD), and no prior study specifically focused on grief following PAD due to a mental disorder. The current study aims to increase insight into experiences preceding PAD or suicide of a loved one due to a mental disorder and their impact on mental health symptoms.


Choosing the right track : improving PTSD treatment outcomes for patients with childhood abuse-related posttraumatic stress disorder

Physical and sexual abuse during childhood can have long lasting consequences such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Prolonged Exposure (PE) is an established and effective guideline treatment for PTSD. Nevertheless, a considerable number of patients drop out from treatment or do not (completely) recover from PTSD during PE. It has been suggested that patients with PTSD resulting from childhood abuse are specifically at risk for suboptimal treatment outcomes.


The Efficacy of 90-Min Versus 60-Min Sessions of Prolonged Exposure for PTSD : A Randomized Controlled Trial in Active-Duty Military Personnel

Objective: Prolonged exposure (PE) therapy is a first-line posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment, but the manualized 90-min session format constitutes a barrier to adopting PE in most settings because they use 60-min sessions for scheduling and billing. We examined whether 60-min PE sessions were as effective and efficient as 90-min PE sessions.


Barriers and facilitators for treatment-seeking in adults with a depressive or anxiety disorder in a Western-European health care setting : a qualitative study


Previous research on barriers and facilitators regarding treatment-seeking of adults with depressive and anxiety disorders has been primarily conducted in the Anglosphere. This study aims to gain insight into treatment-seeking behaviour of adults with depressive and anxiety disorders in a European healthcare system.



Opportunities for the Use of Brief Scalable Psychological Interventions to Support Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Context of the Climate Crisis

Climate change is negatively impacting mental health through multiple pathways. Research to date has largely focused on characterising the link between climate change and mental health and no mental health and psychosocial support intervention has been explicitly designed to address the mental health consequences of climate change. In this commentary, we argue that brief, scalable psychological interventions represent an opportunity to fill this gap.
