The Impact of Service Dogs on Military Veterans and (Ex) First Aid Responders With Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Due to its novelty and lack of empirical study it remains unclear if a service dog truly mitigates the burden of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. To cross sectionally investigate the effect of service dogs on veterans and first aid responders with PTSD, we studied subjective and physiological parameters in 65 individuals divided over four groups. These groups were: veterans and first aid responders with PTSD and a service dog (n = 20), with PTSD and a companion dog (n = 10), with PTSD without a dog (n = 12) and a group without PTSD (n = 23).


Investigating the Efficacy and Experiences With Narrative Exposure Therapy in Severe Mentally Ill Patients With Comorbid Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Receiving Flexible Assertive Community Treatment : A Mixed Methods Study

Background: Patients with severe mental illness with repeated interpersonal trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have a negative illness progression. Traumas are often not treated because of their vulnerability. Narrative exposure therapy (NET) is an effective trauma therapy. It is unknown whether NET is effective and tolerable in these patients receiving community mental healthcare.


Therapist and operator experiences utilizing multi-modal motion-assisted Memory Desensitization and Reconsolidation (3MDR) for treatment of combat related posttraumatic stress disorder amongst military and veteran populations

Background: As provisions of mental healthcare services to military and veteran populations increases the risk to service providers developing secondary traumatic stress (STS), efforts areneeded to examine the impact of delivering novel interventions which may include 3MDR. As avirtual-reality supported intervention, 3MDR exposes the patient, therapist and operator tographic and sensory stimuli (i.e. narratives, imagery, smells, and music) in the course of the intervention.

Improving Web-Based Treatment Intake for Multiple Mental and Substance Use Disorders by Text Mining and Machine Learning : Algorithm Development and Validation

Text mining and machine learning are increasingly used in mental health care practice and research, potentially saving time and effort in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients. Previous studies showed that mental disorders can be detected based on text, but they focused on screening for a single predefined disorder instead of multiple disorders simultaneously.

Remodeling of the Cortical Structural Connectome in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder : Results From the ENIGMA-PGC Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Consortium

Background Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is accompanied by disrupted cortical neuroanatomy. We investigated alteration in covariance of structural networks associated with PTSD in regions that demonstrate the case-control differences in cortical thickness (CT) and surface area (SA).


Veterans PTSD Workingdog Research (VPWR) : The interaction between service dogs and veterans/first aid responders with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Dutch title: Veteranen PTSS Werkhonden Onderzoek (VPWR) De interactie tussen hulphonden en veteranen/eerstehulpverleners met Posttraumatische Stress Stoornis (PTSS)


Trauma-focused treatments for refugee children : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of KIDNET versus EMDR therapy versus a waitlist control group (KIEM)

Background: Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in refugees is reportedly higher in comparison to the general population. Refugee children specifically are often coping with trauma and loss and are at risk for mental health difficulties. With staggering numbers of people seeking refuge around the world and 50% being 18 years or younger, research examining the effects of trauma-focused therapies for refugee children with PTSD is highly needed.

Longitudinal studies on cohesion in a military context : A systematic review

Cohesion is one of the most studied group phenomena and there is an agreement among scholars today that cohesion is a key contributor to team functioning and performance. A large body of research has shown that cohesion has several positive effects on psychological, social, and behavioral outcomes. Since research on cohesion has increased significantly in recent decades there is a need for an updated overview of research regarding antecedents and outcomes of cohesion in a military context. In this paper, a systematic literature review is conducted.


Ketamine for the treatment of mental health and substance use disorders : comprehensive systematic review


In the past twodecades,subanaestheticdosesofketaminehave been demonstrated to have rapid and sustained antidepressant effects, and accumulating research has demonstrated ketamine’s therapeutic effects for a range of psychiatric conditions.



In light of these findings surrounding ketamine’s psychotherapeutic potential, we systematically review the extant evidence on ketamine’s effects in treating mental health disorders.



Treating Trauma-related Disorders in Later Life : Moving Forward

Among stress-related disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) takes a central position. Although the percentage of older adults suffering from this condition appears to be lower than among younger adults, PTSD among them often presents a serious condition with high comorbidity rates. In this contribution, recent insights into post-traumatic stress disorder among older people as well as psychotherapeutic treatments are discussed. In particular, the results of recently completed investigations are discussed.

