Research on the mental health effects of terrorism

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, established a backdrop against which mental health effects of disasters, especially large-scale intentionally created disasters, assumed central stage in US public health. Methodologically sound data are required to understand the mental health effects of terrorism and must guide all postdisaster mental health activities from clinical interventions to administrative policy.

Psychological reactions to terrorist attacks : findings from the National Study of Americans' Reactions to September 11.



The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, represent an unprecedented exposure to trauma in the United States.


To assess psychological symptom levels in the United States following the events of September 11 and to examine the association between postattack symptoms and a variety of indices of exposure to the events.


Bioterrorism : an update with a focus on anthrax.

The current problem with anthrax, a disease of antiquity with a reputation that has exceeded its actual impact on human health, has brought into reality the meaning of bioterrorism. No matter how prepared a population may be, bioterrorism cannot be prevented. The first case or cases will occur and will serve to alert the authorities to initiate the preexisting plan to limit the quantitation of the bioterrorist event.

Psychiatric disorders in rescue workers after the Oklahoma City bombing.



Psychiatric disorders were studied in a volunteer group of 181 firefighters who served as rescue/recovery workers after the Oklahoma City bombing.


Approximately 34 months after the disaster, the authors retrospectively assessed psychopathology both before and after the bombing with the Diagnostic Interview Schedule. Findings for male rescue workers were compared with those of male primary victims who had been in the direct path of the blast and who had been assessed with the same instrument.


The implications of terrorism for public health.

The true historical significance of any event can only be assessed 50 years after it has
happened but the view that 'things will never be the same after September 11th'now seems
to be widely accepted. While some Europeans have lived with the threat of terrorism for
many years, in regions such as Northern Ireland or the Basque country, the events in the US
have added new dimensions in their scale (up to 5,000 deaths in a single day) and nature ...
