ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre


A five-day inpatient EMDR treatment programme for PTSD : pilot study


Background: Trauma-focused psychotherapies for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been demonstrated to be efficacious, but also have considerable non-response and dropout rates. Intensive treatment may lead to faster symptom reduction, which may contribute to treatment motivation and thereby to reduction of dropout.



Early indicators of problematic grief trajectories following bereavement



Background: Little is known about the development of Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) symptoms over time in adults. For clinical purposes, it would be useful to have knowledge about early indicators of a problematic grief trajectory.


Objective: This study aimed to identify classes of bereaved individuals with similar trajectories of PGD symptoms and to design a provisional screening tool including symptoms predicting membership of classes with problematic grief trajectories.

Looking forward to the past : An interdisciplinary discussion on the use of historical analogies and their effects


This is Munich all over again!”: Such comparisons between a present situation and a past one (i.e. a historical analogy) are common in public and political discourses. Historical analogies were used for centuries but have received increased interest in the last 50 years from scholars in political science, history, and psychology.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Somatic Complaints in a Deployed Cohort of Georgian Military Personnel : Mediating Effect of Depression and Anxiety


Several studies have shown the relationship between symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), somatic symptoms, and the mediating effect of depression and anxiety. The following study was conducted to investigate the relationship between PTSD symptoms and somatic complaints through underlying symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Turning wounds into wisdom : Posttraumatic growth over the course of two types of trauma-focused psychotherapy in patients with PTSD



Treatment studies in PTSD patients have mostly focused on adverse psychopathological outcomes whereas positive outcomes have received less attention. Objectives of this study were to investigate posttraumatic growth in response to two different psychotherapies, to examine the relationship between symptom improvement and growth, and to determine if posttraumatic growth predicted treatment response.


Smaller Hippocampal Volume in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder : A Multisite ENIGMA-PGC Study: Subcortical Volumetry Results From Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Consortia


Many studies report smaller hippocampal and amygdala volumes in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but findings have not always been consistent. Here, we present the results of a large-scale neuroimaging consortium study on PTSD conducted by the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC)–Enhancing Neuroimaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis (ENIGMA) PTSD Working Group.


PTSD symptomics : network analyses in the field of psychotraumatology

Recent years have seen increasing attention on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) research.

While research has largely focused on the dichotomy between patients diagnosed with mental disorders and healthy controls — in other words, investigations at the level of diagnoses — recent work has focused on psychopathology symptoms.

Symptomics research in the area of PTSD has been scarce so far, although several studies have focused on investigating the network structures of PTSD symptoms.

The dissociative post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) subtype : A treatment outcome cohort study in veterans with PTSD



Dissociation is a prevalent phenomenon among veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that may interfere with the effectiveness of treatment. This study aimed to replicate findings of a dissociative PTSD subtype, to identify corresponding patterns in coping style, symptom type, and symptom severity, and to investigate its impact on post-traumatic symptom improvement.

Systematic search of Bayesian statistics in the field of psychotraumatology

In recent years there has been increased interest in Bayesian analysis in many disciplines  Bayesianmethods implement Bayes’ theorem, which states that prior beliefs are updated with data, and this process produces updated beliefs about model parameters.

The prior is based on how much information we believe we have preceding data collection, as well as how accurate we believe that information to be. Within Bayesian statistics, priors can come fromany source; for example, a meta-analysis, a previous study or, even, expert consensus.
