ARQ Centrum’45 (en)


Setting the stage for recovery. Improving veteran PTSD treatment effectiveness using statistical prediction

Over half a million Dutch veterans participated in almost a hundred war and peace keeping missions since 1940. During past deployments, veterans promoted peace and stability in conflict situations, endeavoured to win the hearts and minds of local communities and improved the lives of those affected in warzone circumstances. These men and women operated under harsh conditions that placed them at the vanguard of human violence and tragedy.

Screening for trauma-related symptoms via a smartphone app : The validity of Smart Assessment on your Mobile in referred police officers

To facilitate easily accessible screening for trauma-related symptoms, a web-based application called Smart Assessment on your Mobile (SAM) was developed. In this study, we examined whether SAM was able to accurately identify posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression in adults.

An attitude of helplessness : basic counselling in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo has suffered armed conflict for over 20 years, with the eastern provinces being particularly impacted by destruction and structural violence. The consequences of this ongoing violence are visible on the streets and in the homes of the people, as well as specifically affecting the minds of the country's youth. This personal reflection highlights the work of a psychologist at a vocational training centre in Bukavu.

Development and Evaluation of a Diversity-Oriented Competence Training for the Treatment of Depressive Disorders.

Studies in Europe indicate that some ethnic minorities have higher rates of mental disorders and less favorable treatment outcomes than their counterparts from majority groups. To date, efforts regarding training to reduce disparities have mainly focused on ethnocultural competences of therapists, with less attention paid to other aspects of diversity, such as sex/gender and socioeconomic status.

The assessment of psychopathology among traumatized refugees : measurement invariance of the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire and the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 across five linguistic groups

Background: Questionnaires are widely used to assess the mental health status of refugees, whereas their construct validity largely remains unexplored.

Objective: This study examined the construct validity of two widely-used instruments for the assessment of PTSD symptoms (Harvard Trauma Questionnaire [HTQ]; 16 items) and symptoms of anxiety and depression (Hopkins Symptom Check list-25 [HSCL-25]; 25 items) among Dutch and refugee patients with different linguistic backgrounds.

Day patient treatment for traumatic grief: preliminary evaluation of a one-year treatment programme for patients with multiple and traumatic losses

Background: Bereaved individuals who have lost a loved one under traumatic circumstances can develop symptoms of Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) and/or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This is particularly common in refugees, as they frequently have been confronted with multiple traumatic losses. For patients with severe PTSD and traumatic grief a treatment programme was developed, embedding individual traumatic grief focused therapy in a group-based multidisciplinary day patient treatment programme.

Empowerment tegen demoralisatie : Dilemma’s in de GGZ over getraumatiseerde asielzoekers

Werken met getraumatiseerde asielzoekers betekent vaak een confrontatie met wanhoop. Dit kan voor behandelaren dilemma’s opleveren, vooral wanneer die wanhoop sterker samenhangt met daily stressors dan met trauma gerelateerde pathologie. Deze bijdrage schetst hoe demoralisatie bij deze patiënten en hun hulpverleners kan ontstaan en hoe toepassing van empowerment meer grip geeft op de door machteloosheid opgeroepen dilemma’s in de behandeling.


Lives on hold : A qualitative study of young refugees' resilience strategies.

Although the literature on positive adjustment following traumatic events is growing, only a few studies have examined this phenomenon in young refugees. Using the social-ecological framework, the aim of this study was to identify factors and processes that according to young refugees promote their resilience. A total of 16 treatment-seeking refugees aged 13-21years, living in the Netherlands, were interviewed.

Mental health stigma and barriers to mental health care for first responders : A systematic review and meta-analysis.


It is unclear how many first responders experience barriers to care and stigma regarding mental health care, and how this influences their help-seeking. A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted on barriers to care and mental health stigma in first responders and their empirical relationship with psychosocial and psychiatric variables.


Crossing borders: trauma and resilience in young refugees : a multimethod study

Many adolescent refugees and asylum seekers have experienced traumatic events. They often suffer from intrusions of these events, and report avoidance behaviors, sleeping problems and hyperarousal. On top of that, they are dealing with many daily stressors caused by their new and marginal social position in the Netherlands. How do these adolescents keep up in the Dutch society?
