Addressing the mental health needs of many people with few resources : An interview with Dr. Rohullah Amin

It is assumed that mental health problems are prevalent among Afghans and that the number professional mental health services are less than is required. An interview with one of the pioneers of the contemporary mental health sector Dr. Rohullah Amin is here presented.

Psychological interventions are a relatively new approach for addressing emotional and behavioural problems in Afghanistan. However, providing mental health services for many people with few professionals remains a challenge and requires high levels of knowledge, skills and creativity. Mental health professionals may use different available approaches for addressing mental health issues but incorporating cultural strengths into their service makes their efforts acceptable and may lead to more desired outcomes.

Use of television and other media may be one way to destigmatise seeking mental health services, as well as educating people about psychological health. Furthermore, mental health and psychosocial support could be used as tool for enhancing the quality of Afghan lives.

Bezhan Ayubi & Hikmatullah Noori | 2018
In: Intervention: Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas, ISSN 1571-8883 | 16 | 3 | December | 202-206;year=2018;volume=16;issue=3;spage=202;epage=206;aulast=Ayubi;type=3
Afghans, Mental health, Post-Conflict Mental Heath Intervention