Posttraumatic Re-experiencing in Older People : Working through or Covering up?

This paper is about the therapeutic approach to older people who suffer from war trauma experienced at an earlier age. Special attention is paid to posttraumatic re-experiencing and its role in treatment. First, a few examples of posttraumatic re-experiencing are described. These examples will be used to briefly illustrate some interpretation models, before devoting particular attention to one of them: the psychodynamic interpretation model. Then principles of therapy are discussed.


Memory, Abuse, and Science : Questioning Claims about the False Memory Syndrome Epidemic

Careful assessment of purported scientific discoveries and the resulting interpretations is a responsibility of every scientist. The area of memory, particularly memory for abuse, has recently seen new, highly publicized claims. These include the proposal of a new diagnostic category, the false memory syndrome; claims about the ease with which extensive autobiographical memories can be implanted; and estimates of the extent therapists use risky practices likely to cause false memory syndrome. This article suggests questions to evaluate these claims and the methods used to promote them.

PTSD symptoms and comorbid mental disorders in Israeli war veterans



The purpose of this study was to investigate patterns of mental disorders co-morbid with PTSD symptoms in young Israeli men exposed to combat.


Six hundred and seventeen subjects were selected via a general population sample and evaluated in a two-phase case-identification procedure, culminating in a modified SADS-L interview, administered by psychiatrists.


Early traumatic stress reactions among Swedish survivors of the m/s Estonia disaster



This study is a three-month follow-up study in order to assess the short-term impact of traumatic stress among 53 Swedish survivors of the Estonia disaster.


A questionnaire consisting of general questions about conditions during and after the disaster and self-assessment by Post Traumatic Symptom Scale (PTSS-10), Impact of Event Scale (IES), Sense of Coherence-short version (SoC-12), and the DSM-IV list of dissociative symptoms of Acute Stress Disorder formulated as questions regarding individual reactions was distributed.
