Age-period-cohort effects on inequalities in psychological distress, 1981-2000.



In the closing decades of the twentieth century, changes in population sociodemographics took place that might be thought to have an adverse influence on the nation's psychological distress. Here, we examine the stability of social and gender inequalities in psychological distress throughout the 1980s and 1990s.


A hazardous profession : war, journalists, and psychopathology.



War journalists often confront situations of extreme danger in their work. Despite this, information on their psychological well-being is lacking.


Unforeseen consequences of terrorism : medically unexplained symptoms in a time of fear.

ONE YEAR later, reports related to the psychological and physiological effects of the terrorist attacks perpetrated on September 11, 2001, continue to emerge. These reports and what little is known about the long-term health effects of terrorism suggest that many people will present to their physicians with medically unexplained symptoms. These symptoms may be mistaken for organic medical diseases, but are likely to be physiological manifestations of psychological distress.
