Explaining the impact of a women's group led community mobilisation intervention on maternal and newborn health outcomes: the Ekjut trial process evaluation

BackgroundFew large and rigorous evaluations of participatory interventions systematically describe their context and implementation, or attempt to explain the mechanisms behind their impact. This study reports process evaluation data from the Ekjut cluster-randomised controlled trial of a participatory learning and action cycle with women's groups to improve maternal and newborn health outcomes in Jharkhand and Orissa, eastern India (2005-2008).

Exploring the impact of displacement and encampment on domestic violence in Kakuma refugee camp

This paper explores how conditions of life in a refugee camp contribute to domestic violence. It draws on the 'nested ecological model' of domestic violence, which integrates individual and family factors, socio-economic context, and culture. Displacement depletes the resources available to refugees at each of these levels. Eighteen focus group discussions were held in Kakuma refugee camp (Kenya). Most displacement-related factors identified as contributing to domestic violence are consequences of the structural conditions of refugees' lives.

Entführt und lebendig begraben: ein fallbericht aus der sicht eines betroffenen = Kidnapped and buried alive- a case report from the perspective of a victim.

Zusammenfassung:Larry Park kontaktierte Vincent J. Felitti im Rahmen der Adverse-Childhood Experiences-Studie. So entstand das persönliche Zeugnis eines Mannes, der als Kind ein überwältigendes Trauma erlitt: Vor über dreißig Jahren entführten drei junge Männer aus San Francisco einen Schulbus in der Nähe von Chowchilla und sperrten die Insassen, darunter den 6-jährigen Larry P., in eine tiefe Grube. Erschütternd sind das enorme Ausmaß von Larrys Wut und die terrorisierenden Stimmen, die ihn bis heute heimsuchen.

Examining the protective effects of mindfulness training on working memory capacity and affective experience

We investigated the impact of mindfulness training (MT) on working memory capacity (WMC) and affective experience. WMC is used in managing cognitive demands and regulating emotions. Yet, persistent and intensive demands, such as those experienced during high-stress intervals, may deplete WMC and lead to cognitive failures and emotional disturbances. We hypothesized that MT may mitigate these deleterious effects by bolstering WMC.

Dysfunctional beliefs in the understanding and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Genezing dwangstoornis geen lineair proces Mensen met een obsessief compulsieve stoornis hebben last van dwanggedachten (obsessies) en dwanghandelingen (compulsies). Disfunctionele gedachten leiden bij deze mensen tot handelingen die niet in verhouding staan tot waar ze bang of angstig voor zijn. De stoornis kan met cognitieve psychotherapie behandeld worden. Wel blijft maar liefst 50% van de behandelde mensen daarna nog symptomen van de ziekte vertonen. Onderzoekster Annemiek Polman ging daarom na wat de aard is van het proces van gedragsverandering tijdens de behandeling.

Disentangling the relationship between different types of childhood maltreatment and personality disorders

This study investigated the relationship between five forms of childhood maltreatment (sexual, physical and emotional abuse, emotional and physical neglect) and 10 personality disorders (PDs). PDs were assessed by means of SCID II, and childhood maltreatment was retrospectively measured with the Interview for Traumatic Events in Childhood. Both PDs and childhood maltreatment were expressed continuously, and relations were assessed by means of structural equation modelling in a sample of 409 participants.

Dissociative symptoms and reported trauma among patients with spirit possession and matched healthy controls in Uganda

Spirit possession is a common, worldwide phenomenon with dissociative features. Studies in Europe and the United States have revealed associations among psychoform and somatoform dissociation and (reported) potential traumatic events. The aim of this study was to explore the relationships among spirit possession, dissociative symptoms and reported potentially traumatizing events in Uganda. One hundred nineteen persons with spirit possession, diagnosed by traditional healers, were compared to a matched control group of 71 nonpossessed persons.

Douleur chronique et traumatisme psychique: données épidémiologiques discussion clinique et psychopatologique = Chronic pain and psychic traumatism, epidemiology, clinical discussion and psychopathology

Si les cooccurrences entre l'état de stress post-traumatique (ESPT) et d'autres troubles psychiatriques sont bien connues, celles entre ESPT et douleurs physiques sont moins établies. Plusieurs études épidémiologiques mettent en évidence la fréquence de symptômes douloureux chez les patients traumatisés d'une part, et la forte prévalence de l'ESPT chez des sujets souffrant de douleurs chroniques d'autre part. Nous évoquerons les liens de causalité décrits dans la littérature entre douleur et traumatisme psychique.

Dutch study Iraqi asylum seekers : impact of a long asylum procedure on health and health related dimensions among Iraqi asylum seekers in the Netherlands : an epidemiological study

Deze dissertatie heeft aard en omvang van psychiatrische stoornissen, kwaliteit van leven, functiebeperkingen en lichamelijke gezondheid onderzocht onder één van de grootste groepen asielzoekers in Nederland.
