État de stress post-traumatique au retour d'Afghanistan = Post-traumatic Stress Disorder after returning from Afghanistan

Our study compared two self-screening questionnaires for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): the post-traumatic Checklist Scale (PCLS) and the Brief Screening questionnary (short scale), completed by 357 soldiers, two to six month after their return from Afghanistan. The qualifications screening scales were evaluated by comparing the diagnosis of PTSD increased by a clinician in a standardized interview conducted with 85 people in positive scale of randomly selected among the negatives. The PCLS should be taken as a reference scale for screening for PTSD.

Evidence based guidelines for Mental, neurological and substance use disorders in low- and middle-income countries: summary of WHO

Mental, neurological, and substance use(MNS) disorders are highly prevalent andare responsible for 14% of the globalburden of disease expressed in disabilityadjustedlife years (DALYs) [1]. Theresources that have been provided incountries to tackle the huge burden areinsufficient, inequitably distributed, andinefficiently used, which results in a largemajority of people with these disordersreceiving no care at all [2–7].

Emotional labor among trainee police officers: The interpersonal role of positive emotions

The aim of this study is to get an insight of the interpersonal process of emotional labor, and the role of positive emotions in the interaction between the sender and receiver, while taking both the perspective of the sender and the receiver into account. We tested the influence of the perceived display of positive emotions of Dutch trainee police officers (N = 80) during an interaction with offenders on perceived authenticity and perceived performance success, incorporating the sendersGÇÖ emotion regulation technique (i.e., deep acting and surface acting).

EMDR and the Adaptive Information Processing Model: Integrative Treatment and Case Conceptualization

EMDR is a comprehensive psychotherapy approach that is compatible with all contemporary theoretical orientations. Internationally recognized as a frontline trauma treatment, it is also applicable to a broad range of clinical issues. As a distinct form of psychotherapy, the treatment emphasis is placed on directly processing the neurophysiologically stored memories of events that set the foundation for pathology and health.

Effectiveness of an inpatient group therapy for comorbid complicated grief disorder

We investigated whether inpatients suffering from comorbid complicated grief disorder benefited from an additional manualized nine-session group intervention. For this purpose, 50 patients participating in the additional complicated grief intervention were compared with 22 control patients who received treatment as usual. After grief intervention, we found large effect sizes with regard to improvement in complicated grief symptoms.

Dysfunctional affect regulation: in borderline personality disorder & somatoform disorder

AbstractThe aim of this dissertation was to provide a systematic exploration of the nature and distribution of dysfunctional affect regulation, its associated phenomena, and retrospectively reported potentially traumatizing events in 475 patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD), somatoform disorder (SoD), comorbid BPD+SoD, and a psychiatric comparison group (PC) to provide a baseline against which to compare the hypothesized elevations in dysfunctional self and affect regulation.

Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context

This article describes briefly the Hofstede model of six dimensions of national cultures: Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism/Collectivism, Masculinity/Femininity, Long/Short Term Orientation, and Indulgence/Restraint. It shows the conceptual and research efforts that preceded it and led up to it, and once it had become a paradigm for comparing cultures, research efforts that followed and built on it. The article stresses that dimensions depend on the level of aggregation, it describes the six entirely different dimensions found in the Hofstede et al.

Deconstructing delayed posttraumatic stress disorder

The purpose of the research in this book was to establish the prevalence of delayed PTSD and to examine factors that may explain its occurrence. In addition, we aimed at exploring the likelihood and role of prodromal symptoms (symptoms of PTSD that occur during the interval between traumatic event exposure and the onset of full delayed PTSD) and possible implications of delayed PTSD for mental health service utilization.

Daily suppression of discrete emotions during the work of police service workers and criminal investigation officers

The aim of the present research among Dutch police officers was to examine whether fluctuations in emotional job demands predict exhaustion through the suppression of discrete emotions. A first diary study (N =25) tested how the suppression of discrete emotions is related to exhaustion at the end of the work shift of police call-center service workers. Results revealed that suppressing anger was positively related to exhaustion at the end of a work shift, whereas suppressing happiness was not.
