Interpersonal trauma in female offenders: a new, brief, group intervention delivered in a community based setting

Background: High prevalence rates of interpersonal violence and abuse histories in female offenders have been well documented in the literature. However, the evidence base on the effectiveness of such interventions remains rather limited. Objective: The present pilot study reports on the effectiveness of a new, brief, psychoeducational group intervention for the management of mental health and...

Is legal status impacting outcomes of group therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder with male asylum seekers and refugees from Iran and Afghanistan?

BackgroundLegal status and other resettlement stressors are known to impact mental health of asylum seekers and refugees. However, the ways in which they interact with treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with these populations is still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to examine whether legal status and other resettlement stressors influence outcomes of a trauma-focused...

Integrating Holocaust Research

In this article we present our ideas for an integrating activity for archival research on the Holocaust. We analyse how we can improve Holocaust-related collection descriptions for research, which we will make available online, and how EHRI provides travel grants for transnational access to existing infrastructures in Holocaust research. Both approaches help us overcome that Holocaust-related...

Internalisierung und Externalisierung als Ausprägungen einer gemeinsamen Störungsdimension bei traumatisierten Patienten

In patients with complex posttraumatic stress disorder (complex PTSD, Herman, 1992) as well as in those with borderline personality disorder (BPD) traumata are often found anamnestically. Besides high comorbidity were found between both disorders. Thus it was examined whether internalizing and externalizing subtypes can be distinguished in chronic traumatized patients (N=266) accounting for...

International Journal of Migration, Health, and Social Care

International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care (IJMHSC) is a double blind peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal focusing on how international migration relates to health and social care issues, including mental health.

In Richtung 'Komplexe PTBS': Die deutsche Version des Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI) zur Erfassung komplexer Traumafolgen

This study tested the German translation of the Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI) by Briere [1]. The TSI aims at assessing complex posttraumatic symptoms. TSI was part of a large test battery, among which the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Short Screening Scale, Short Form Health Survey, Geriatric Depression Scale and Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview were part of. A sample of N=116...

Increased anterior cingulate cortex and hippocampus activation in Complex PTSD during encoding of negative words

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with impaired memory performance coupled with functional changes in brain areas involved in declarative memory and emotion regulation. It is not yet clear how symptom severity and comorbidity affect neurocognitive functioning in PTSD. We performed a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study with an emotional declarative memory task in...

Growing Up Under a Shadow: Key Issues in Research on and Treatment of Children Born of Rape

Children born of wartime rape are particularly vulnerable and their case is complex as their needs intertwine with the needs of their mothers or their cultural community. To analyse the status of children born of rape and identify both risk factors and key issues, a systematic search among medical and psychological research articles was performed. In addition, historical, sociological and human...

Heterogeneity of defensive responses after exposure to trauma: blunted autonomic reactivity in response to startling sounds

Research on threat responses, particularly among trauma-exposed individuals, has traditionally focused on increased autonomic arousal and reactivity. However, clinical features associated with trauma exposure, such as dissociation (e.g., shutting down or 'spacing out') manifest as the opposite pattern: non-reactivity and blunted arousal. These clinical features suggest that the possibility of...

Heterogeneous Patterns of Stress over the Four Years of College: Associations with Anxious Attachment and Ego-Resiliency

OBJECTIVES: A growing body of literature suggests that college students display alarming rates of psychological distress. However, studies of responses to significant life stressors in other contexts have found that people respond in heterogeneous ways and that attachment style and ego-resiliency mitigate the effects of stressors on mental health. METHOD: Individual differences in distress among...
