Global Mental Health in the Anthropocene : Opening to a Planetary Health Paradigm Shift

Facing the urgent, unchartered and tremendous challenge of the ongoing climate crisis, social and health sciences have a pivotal role to play. Starting from an analysis of the consequences of the climate crisis narrative for mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), we explore different roles that the MHPSS actors could play.


Integration of Mental Health into Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning for the Monsoon Season in Bangladesh

The monsoon season in Bangladesh is an example of how climate-related events can have a significant impact on mental wellbeing of affected individuals and communities. In this field report, we reflect on the integration of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services into emergency preparedness efforts.


Addressing Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Context of Climate Change : Examples of Interventions to Inform Future Practice

Climate change is now recognised as contributing to an increasing number of emergencies globally, which are having substantial effects on mental health and wellbeing of affected populations. In this report, we give case studies of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) activities linked to climate change-related emergencies in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe.


Assessment of Perceptions of Climate Change and Its Causes and Impacts on Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing among a Group of Internally Displaced Persons in Iraq

Extreme weather conditions across Iraq influence people’s psychosocial wellbeing, particularly the wellbeing of internally displaced persons (IDPs). This research examines the perceptions of climate change, as well as its causes and impacts on the everyday lives of IDPs in Iraq, and what needs to be done to mitigate these impacts.

Supporting Adolescent Mental Health in Humanitarian Settings : To What Extent do Interventions Consider Climate Change and Its Intersectional Impacts?

Research suggests that adolescents in humanitarian settings are particularly vulnerable to mental health challenges, but there is less attention to how mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in these settings considers climate-related factors. This article aims to bridge this gap by reviewing studies on the impact of MHPSS interventions in humanitarian settings for adolescents in low- and middle-income countries.

Priorities for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Intervention Research in the Context of the Climate Crisis : A Modified Delphi Study

The climate crisis is adversely impacting mental health and wellbeing. Research on interventions to address these impacts remains scarce, particularly in humanitarian settings. This study used a modified Delphi process to identify research priorities for mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) and climate crisis research, drawing on the perspectives of those with demonstrated interest, engagement, and/or expertise in MHPSS and the climate crisis. The study consisted of two online surveys.

Azhee : Turning Personal Grief into Collective Action Against Suicide

Suicide is still a taboo issue in Iraqi society. Many in Iraq still feel shame in admitting that they have lost a loved one to suicide for fear of societal stigmatisation. With a lack of understanding about mental illness, it can be even more difficult for professionals to treat mental health issues properly. The cultural norms that stigmatise suicide create obstacles that discourage, or even prevent, many vulnerable people from reaching out for help. While life is full of challenges, suicide prevention is riddled with even more.


Drama Therapy as a Mental Health Intervention for Women in the Shatila Refugee Camp, Lebanon

Shatila camp is the largest refugee camp in Lebanon and home to many refugees needing psychological support as a result of war and postmigration stress. However, there is a severe lack of mental healthcare resources and strong social stigma towards psychological and psychiatric interventions.


“Peace Starts with Peace of Mind” : Study of the Intersection between Postconflict Trauma, Peacebuilding and Economic Development in Northern Uganda

The 21-year conflict with the Lord’s Resistance Army caused terrible experiences for people in northern Uganda. After the war, people returned home but with continuing mental and interpersonal problems they have found it difficult to engage in activities that would improve their wellbeing, relationships and their community’s social fabric. Disharmony on all levels appears to obstruct recovery and peaceful coexistence. This study examines an intervention implemented by TPO Uganda in northern Uganda addressing mental health challenges, conflict mediation and economic empowerment.

Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing in Education : The Case to Integrate Core Actions and Interventions into Learning Environments

Exposure to adversity, particularly in early childhood, can lead to lifelong struggles with learning and adverse physical and mental health. Mental health promotion and prevention, care services and psychosocial approaches can play an important role in mitigating these adversities and improving a range of developmental outcomes for children – including learning, relational and social skills, and health and nutrition. This study explores effective mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) programming integrated within education in emergencies (EiE).
