Seven-Year Follow-Up Study of Symptoms in Asylum Seekers and Refugees With PTSD Treated With Trauma-Focused Groups

Objective: To examine sustainability of symptom outcomes of a 1-year phase-based traumafocused, multimodal, and multicomponent group therapy in a day treatment program for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) over an average period of 7 years.

Blurring of emotional and non-emotional memories by taxing working memory during recall.

Memories that are recalled while working memory (WM) is taxed, e.g., by making eye movements (EM), become blurred during the recall + EM and later recall, without EM. This may help to explain the effects of Eye Movement and Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in which patients make EM during trauma recall.

Adding Complexity: Assessing the dissociative subtype of PTSD

Poster session presented at the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Spirits, Devils and Trauma. Dissociation in Uganda

This thesis originates from an interest to understand more about pathological dissociative presentations in Uganda, as a way of addressing traumatic stress and other adverse events within a cultural and social-political context

Prolonged grief in children and adolescents: Assessment, correlates, and treatment

Many children like Bas and Eva experience stressful events as they grow up. They are faced with painful circumstances like parental divorce or the death of a loved one. Most children can overcome those experiences, but some develop such psychological problems that professional help is needed. The overall focus of this dissertation is the assessment and treatment of problematic grief in children like Bas and Eva. First, we give an overview of epidemiological aspects and a historical overview of research on problematic grief.

Effects of Psychotherapy on Trauma-Related Cognitions in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Meta-Analysis

In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) incorporate trauma-related cognitions. This adaptation of the criteria has consequences for the treatment of PTSD. Until now, comprehensive information about the effect of psychotherapy on trauma-related cognitions has been lacking. Therefore, the goal of our meta-analysis was to determine which psychotherapy most effectively reduces trauma-related cognitions.

The Effect of the Postdisaster Context on the Assessment of Individual Mental Health Scores

Many scholars question the immense variation in rates of mental health outcomes across disaster studies. This study explains this variation by putting forward 2 methodological problems that are inherent to the effect of a disaster context on mental health screening scores. The Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 was administered in a flood-affected group (n = 318) and a nonaffected group (n = 304) in Uttar Pradesh, India. The affected group showed much higher mean scores on subscales of anxiety and depression.

Somatization in refugees: a review

Purpose: To present a review of the literature concerning medically unexplained physical symptoms in refugees.
Methods: We outline a variety of definitions and explanations of somatization, as well as the role of culture in the concept of disease. In addition, we present a review of the epidemiological literature about somatization in refugees.

Mental health and gender-based violence Helping survivors of sexual violence in conflict – a training manual

In recent years, several manuals and guidelines have been developed in the field of trauma. Some of these have addressed gender-based violence (GBV), its consequences, and ways to prevent it and protect against it. This manual focuses on the mental health of survivors of trauma, especially trauma associated with GBV. The aim is to provide a very practical supplement to the existing literature.

TERRA toolkit

TERRA is a two year Europe wide network based prevention and learning project, funded by the European Commission, DG Home Affairs. It is carried out by Impact Knowledge and Advice Centre, Amsterdam, and AV11M, Madrid. TERRA takes a preventative approach towards radicalisation leading to terrorism.
