Traumas complexes et identisation : le cas des enfants en situation de rue

Many children face adversity in their first years of life and are sometimes forced to a life without childhood. This is the case of some children in street situations. The stress of wandering has an impact on their psychological and emotional development and also on their identification process.

Three decades of research in circuits and receptor systems in PTSD

Conclusion: There are no specific drugs for PTSD, except for the treatment of irritability and depressive features with SSRI. Atypical neuroleptics have been more recently been introduced as well as mood stabilizers. Other options are specific serotonergic agents such as 5-HT 1A antagonists, NA-blockers, CRF antagonists, GC-receptor antagonists, prazosin and á1-adrenergic blocker with nightmares, use of â-blockers early after trauma exposure are investigated.

Time does not heal all wounds: identifying children suffering from psychological trauma

Traumatic exposure is a common experience among children and may have severe and long lasting effects on child’s mental well-being and development. This dissertation reports on children who have been exposed to one or more potentially traumatic events during their lives and focuses on identifying those children suffering from psychological trauma. The results presented in this thesis expand current knowledge with regard to the definition of a traumatic event and the different traumatic stress profiles between single trauma and child maltreatment.

Trajectories of PTSD symptoms and predictive factors of trajectory membership: a step toward identifying veterans at risk

The article “Latent Trajectories of Trauma Symptoms and Resilience: The 3-Year Longitudinal Prospective USPER Study of Danish Veterans Deployed in Afghanistan” by Andersen and colleagues examines trajectories of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms from predeployment to 2.5 years postdeployment and the predictive factors of trajectory membership among a sample of Danish soldiers deployed to Afghanistan. Iraq and Afghanistan veterans face a number of psychological, physical, and social challenges perideployment and postdeployment.

Trauma and dissociation: implications for borderline personality disorder

Psychological trauma can have devastating consequences on emotion regulatory capacities and lead to dissociative processes that provide subjective detachment from overwhelming emotional experience during and in the aftermath of trauma. Dissociation is a complex phenomenon that comprises a host of symptoms and factors, including depersonalization, derealization, time distortion, dissociative flashbacks, and alterations in the perception of the self. Dissociation occurs in up to two thirds of patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD).

The Role of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy in Medicine: Addressing the Psychological and Physical Symptoms Stemming from Adverse Life Experiences

A substantial body of research shows that adverse life experiences contribute to both psychological and biomedical pathology. Twenty-four randomized controlled trials support the positive effects of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy in the treatment of emotional trauma and other adverse life experiences relevant to clinical practice. Twelve randomized studies of the eye movement component noted rapid decreases in negative emotions and/or vividness of disturbing images

The use of prolonged exposure therapy to help patients with post-traumatic stress disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic psychiatric disorder characterized by intrusive re-experiencing symptoms, avoidance behaviors, elevated arousal, and changes in cognition and mood. Nearly all individuals with PTSD suffer from at least one additional psychiatric diagnosis. Prolonged exposure is one of several evidence-based treatments for PTSD that has been efficacious for PTSD sufferers with a range of comorbid disorders. In this review, we first discuss the prevalence of PTSD comorbidity and the challenges that it presents to clinicians working with traumatized patients.

The Relevance of Resources for Resilience at Different Organizational Levels within the Military Deployment Cycle

AbstractIn the current study, the relative importance of different resources for psychological resilience of service members is investigated. The study employs a model of psychological resilience developed for the Netherlands Armed Forces, which identifies 25 resources for resilience at 5 different levels (individual, home front, team, leader, organization).

The role of complex PTSD in mediating childhood maltreatment and substance abuse severity among youth seeking substance abuse treatment

Research has indicated that childhood maltreatment is associated with youth substance use problems, however, this association is not yet fully understood. Consistent with theories that describe substance use problems as reflecting impaired self-regulation abilities, we hypothesized that complex posttraumatic stress disorder (Complex PTSD), reflecting disruptions in the development of self-regulatory capacities, would mediate the association between maltreatment and substance use problem severity.
