Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy versus stabilisation as usual with refugees: randomised controlled trial

Dit onderzoek richt zich op de vraag of het toepassen van EMDR bij vluchtelingen met PTSS zonder voorafgaande stabilisatiefase veilig en effectief is.

Longitudinal measures of hostility in deployed military personnel

Increases in anger and hostility are commonly found after military deployment. However, it is unknown how anger and hostility develop over time, and which veterans are more at risk for developing these complaints. Data of 745 veterans one month before deployment to Afghanistan and one, six, twelve and 24 months after deployment were analyzed in a growth model. Growth mixture modeling revealed four classes based on their growth in hostility. Most of the participants belonged to a low-hostile group or a mild-hostile group that remained stable over time.

Child maltreatment and psychological symptoms in a Portuguese adult community sample: the harmful effects of emotional abuse.

Child maltreatment (CM) is associated with poor long-term health outcomes. However, knowledge about CM prevalence and related consequences is scarce among adults in South European countries. We examined the self-reported prevalence of five different forms of CM in a community sample of 1,200 Portuguese adults; we compared the results with similar samples from three other countries, using the same instrument. We also explored the relationship between CM and psychological symptoms.

Degree of exposure and peritraumatic dissociation as determinants of PTSD symptoms in the aftermath of the Ghislenghien gas explosion.


This paper investigates risk factors for the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms in the different survivor groups involved in a technological disaster in Ghislenghien (Belgium). A gas explosion instantly killed five firefighters, one police officer and 18 other people. Moreover, 132 people were wounded among which many suffered severe burn injuries.


Does exposure type impact differentially over time on the development of mental health disturbances after a technological disaster?

Background: A longitudinal study was conducted in order to assess the impact of the Ghislenghien disaster (July
30th, 2004) on physical, mental and social health in the affected population. The present study explored the risk for
the development of four types of mental health disturbances (MHD) due to exposure to different aspects of this
technological disaster in comparison with data obtained from previous health surveys among the population of the
same province.

Trauma-related mental health problems among national humanitarian staff: A systematic review of the literature

Background: Working in humanitarian crisis situations is dangerous. National humanitarian staff in particular face the risk of primary and secondary trauma exposure which can lead to mental health problems. Despite this, research on the mental health of national staff is scarce, and a systematic analysis of up-to-date findings has not been undertaken yet.

Cognitive-behavioral variables mediate the impact of violent loss on post-loss psychopathology

Research has shown that violent losses lead to more severe emotional distress than do nonviolent losses. Little is known about the psychological mechanisms underlying the debilitating impact of violent loss.

Difficult to treat? : A comparison of the effectiveness of treatment as usual in refugees and non-refugees

Aims and method To examine treatment response in traumatised refugees, we compared routine outcome monitoring data (Harvard Trauma Questionnaire) of two refugee populations with those of individuals experiencing profession-related trauma who were treated at a specialised psychotrauma institute.

Imagery rehearsal therapy in addition to treatment as usual for patients with diverse psychiatric diagnoses suffering from nightmares: A randomized controlled trial

Imagery rehearsal therapy in addition to treatment as usual for patients with diverse psychiatric diagnoses suffering from nightmares: A randomized controlled trial
Geplaatst op 24-09-2015

Expert Guidelines: Diagnosis and Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Emergency Services Workers

Emergency workers perform a vital role in our society. They protect the rule of law, ensure our safety and
provide assistance in emergencies. Surveys consistently show that emergency workers are one of the most
valued and trusted occupational groups. However, there is increasing realisation that emergency work can
come at a cost. Large numbers of emergency workers report ongoing psychological consequences from
exposure to trauma, most notably post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
