Wellbeing of Nepali children after the earthquakes in 2015 : Narratives of children parents and teachers

The Early Childhood Education Centre Kathmandu, Nepal, asked us to do qualitative research into the wellbeing of Nepali children after the earthquakes in 2015 and what the factors were that helped the wellbeing to increase.

The land of a thousand broken hearts : trauma and reconciliation in post-genocide Rwanda

Following years of ethnic strife between the Hutu majority and Tutsi minority, tensions escalated immediately after the plane of president Habyarimana was shot down on April 6, 1994. The Tutsi were designated scapegoat by Hutu extremists and subjected to a systematic and barbaric genocide. Within a hundred days, approximately 800.000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu were slaughtered. The killings only grinded to a halt when the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), a Tutsi rebel militia, seized the last stronghold of the regime on July 17 that same year.

Prolonged exposure and EMDR for PTSD v. a PTSD waiting-list condition : effects on symptoms of psychosis, depression and social functioning in patients with chronic psychotic disorders

In patients with psychotic disorders, the effects of psychological post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment on symptoms of psychosis, depression and social functioning are largely unknown

Mental health on the move : short review on migration and mental health

The first studies on migration and mental health focused primarily on immigration in the Unites States in the beginning of the 20th century. Higher levels of mental health problems or “insanity” were observed among migrants as compared to host populations. Selective migration of mentally ill people was understood to explain this difference. Although hypomanic traits such as impulsiveness, extraversion and risk seeking behaviour may seem to predispose individuals to emigrate, the so-called selective migration hypothesis has never been empirically supported.

The factor structure of complex posttraumatic stress disorder in traumatized refugees

The construct of complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) has attracted much research attention in previous years, however it has not been systematically evaluated in individuals exposed to persecution and displacement. Given that CPTSD has been proposed as a diagnostic category in the ICD-11, it is important that it be examined in refugee groups.
In the current study, we proposed to test, for the first time, the factor structure of CPTSD proposed for the ICD-11 in a sample of resettled treatment-seeking refugees.

Degrading traumatic memories with eye movements : a pilot functional MRI study in PTSD

Background: Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is an effective treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). During EMDR, the patient recalls traumatic memories while making eye movements (EMs). Making EMs during recall is associated with decreased vividness and emotionality of traumatic memories, but the underlying mechanism has been unclear. Recent studies support a “working-memory” (WM) theory, which states that the two tasks (recall and EMs) compete for limited capacity of WM resources.

Rumination in posttraumatic stress and growth after a natural disaster : a model from northern Chile 2014 earthquakes

Background: Traumatic experiences, such as natural disasters, produce multiple and serious impacts on people. Despite the traditional focus on negative consequences, in many cases there are also positive consequences, such as posttraumatic growth. Tedeschi and Calhoun proposed a model of posttraumatic growth that emphasizes the role of rumination after the basic beliefs breakdown due to the occurrence of a traumatic experience.
