Proximity alert! Distance related cuneus activation in military veterans with anger and aggression problems.

Problems involving anger and aggression are common after military deployment, and may involve abnormal responses to threat. This study therefore investigated effects on neural activation related to threat and escapability among veterans with deployment experience.

Creative arts in psychotherapy treatment protocol for children after trauma

In this article we introduce a Creative Arts in Psychotherapy (CAP) treatment protocol for children who have been traumatized, aiming to enhance their psychological wellbeing and strengthening positive development. The protocol combines principles of group dynamics and multimodal arts activities in order to facilitate healing through the three stages of the trauma recovery model; creating a safe space, telling the trauma story, and preparing the children to return to the community.

Oxytocin and Stress-related Disorders : Neurobiological Mechanisms and Treatment Opportunities

Novel pharmacotherapies that improve outcomes for individuals with stress-related psychiatric disorders are needed. The

neurohormone oxytocin (OT) is a promising candidate given its influence on the social–emotional brain. In this review, we

present an overview of evidence supporting OT’s utility for treating major depressive disorder and posttraumatic stress

disorder.We first discuss endogenous OT, which research suggests is not yet a reliable biomarker of stress-related disorders.

The neurobiology of PTSD

The European Journal of Psychotraumatology is proud

to announce its first special issue focusing on the

neurobiology of posttraumatic stress disorder


Since its inception, the journal has published

a number of papers on the neural mechanisms underlying

PTSD, including review articles on the biological

correlates of complex PTSD (Marinova &

Maercker, 2015), restoring large scale brain networks

in PTSD and related disorders (Lanius, Frewen,

Tursich, Jetly, & McKinnon, 2015), and pharmacological

The association between disaster vulnerability and post-disaster psychosocial service delivery across Europe

This study confirms that the developmental stage of post-disaster psychosocial support planning and

delivery systems in Europe is associated with countries’ level of disaster vulnerability. Lower

vulnerability is accompanied by more evolved planning and delivery systems. Countries in north, west

and central regions have more developed planning and delivery systems and lower vulnerability levels

than those in the south, southeast and east. The highest proportion of variance in vulnerability is

The Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM–5 (CAPS-5) : Development and Initial Psychometric Evaluation in Military Veterans

The Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) is an extensively validated and widely used structured diagnostic interview for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The CAPS was recently revised to correspond with PTSD criteria in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013). This article describes the development of the CAPS for DSM–5 (CAPS-5) and presents the results of an initial psychometric evaluation of CAPS-5 scores in 2 samples of military veterans (Ns = 165 and 207).

Training counsellors in low and middle income countries in single session counselling : helping mental health and psychosocial workers to get on top of feelings of powerlessness

This article describes an approach to training mental health and psychosocial support workers in post disaster areas and areas of armed conflict in single session counselling, also known as Single Session Therapy. This field report also adds further information to earlier publications on the reasons for practicing Single Session Therapy.

Refugee and staff experiences of psychotherapeutic services : a qualitative systematic review

While the need for psychotherapeutic services for refugees is well documented, little is known about the acceptability and validity of these approaches, especially from refugee and staff perspectives. Qualitative studies of user experience provide critical insight into the utility of current service approaches, and is both clinically and ethically indicated.

Syria : coping mechanisms utilised by displaced refugee parents caring for their children in pre-resettlement contexts

Evidence shows an increased risk of psychological distress and mental health problems in refugee populations. Despite this, refugees often display the ability to continue to function, to recover and live meaningful and productive lives. Parents’ mental health and coping style is significant to the mental health and wellbeing of their children. The aim of this study was to explore the coping mechanisms utilised by displaced Syrian refugees who care for children.
