Aqualitative study of clinicians' use of the cultural formulation model in assessing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Abstract The Cultural Formulation (CF) of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) provides a potential framework for improving the diagnostic assessment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in culturally diverse patients. We analyzed data from the Patient-Provider Encounte Study, a multi-site study that examines the process of diagnosis and clinical decision-making during an initial clinical intake session, in order to examine use of CF for PTSD diagnosis.

Association between abnormal psychosocial situations in childhood, generalized anxiety disorder and oppositional defiant disorder

OBJECTIVE: Psychosocial stressors are important in the pathogenesis of most mental disorders. However, little is known about the way psychosocial stressors uniquely combine to create risk for different expressions of child and adolescent psychopathology. The purpose of this study was to determine whether core dimensions of stressful psychosocial situations are differentially associated with childhood generalized anxiety disorder and oppositional defiant disorder.

An Exploratory Analysis of Voice Hearing in Chronic PTSD: Potential Associated Mechanisms

This research investigated auditory hallucinations (AH) in a sample with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and examined dissociation and thought suppression as potential associated mechanisms.

Affective scripts: a systematic case study of change in psychotherapy

This article presents a systematic case study of maladaptive interpersonal schemas. These schemas are conceived of as affective scripts, or sequences of behaviors that regulate emotion in interpersonal relationships. Part I presents a test of the method for identifying affective scripts. Independent raters applied FRAMES (Fundamental Repetitive and Maladaptive Emotion Structures, Hoelzer & Dahl, 1996) to a representative sample of transcripts of a long-term psychotherapy.

Adult attachment as a predictor of posttraumatic stress and dissociation

This study examined whether K. Bartholomew's (1990) self-report dimensions of adult attachment (secure, dismissing, preoccupied, and fearful) mediate or moderate links from victimization/abuse to posttraumatic stress and dissociation. Participants were 199 college women with and without a history of childhood physical abuse, childhood sexual victimization, and adolescent/adult sexual victimization.

A systematic review of treatments of posttraumatic stress disorder among refugees and asylum-seekers

Recent years have seen a consensus emerge on the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the general population. No such consensus exists for refugees, although the rate of PTSD among refugees is 10 times that of the general population. We conducted a systematic review of randomized controlled trial of treatment of PTSD among refugees and asylum-seekers. We rated trials with a risk of bias table and drew conclusions about the evidence for individual therapies. Ten randomized, controlled trials (n = 528) met our search criteria.

A model of resilience and meaning after militairy deployment: personel resources in making sense of war and peacekeeping experiences

The aim of the present study was to examine whether the specific personal resources of self-esteem, optimism and perceived control, combined in the latent variable called 'resilience', were associated with cognitive processing of war-zone experiences. Data were collected by questionnaires from a sample of 1.561 veterans who had participated in various war or peacekeeping operations. Structural equation modelling was performed to assess the expected relationships between the observed and latent variables.

A multivariate contextual analysis of torture and other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatments: implication for an evidence-based definition of torture

Current thinking on what constitutes torture in a detention/interrogation setting focuses solely on particular procedures, without regard for contextual factors that mediate traumatic stress. The present study examined stressor interactions that determined severity and psychological impact of captivity stressors in 432 torture survivors in former Yugoslavia countries and Turkey.

A short form of the posttraumatic growth inventory

A short form of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI-SF) is described. A sample of 1351 adults who had completed the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) in previous studies provided the basis for item selection.

A study on the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder in flood victim parents and children in Hunan, China

Objective: To explore the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in flood victim parents and children in Hunan, China.Methods: Using the method of multistage cluster random sampling, we conducted a retrospective investigation on 3,698 families in Hunan, China who suffered from flooding in 1998. Investigators held face-to-face interviews with the parents and children of the families. The diagnosis of PTSD was made according to the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition.
