ADHD and Complex Trauma: A Descriptive Study of Hospitalized Children in an Urban Psychiatric Hospital

This paper embarks on a descriptive exploration of the relations between ADHD and Complex Trauma among children in an urban psychiatric hospital. To date, these two diagnostic categories have not been examined in concert. This study was based upon chart reviews of 79 children and adolescents who were receiving treatment at an urban children's psychiatric hospital. The Hospitalized Child and Adolescent Trauma and Psychopathology Questionnaire was completed for each participant and information regarding demographics, diagnosis, and complex trauma.

A topographical map of the causal network of mechanisms underlying the relationship between major depressive disorder and coronary heart disease

Objective: Major depressive disorder (MDD) and coronary heart disease (CHD) are both clinically important public health problems. Depression is linked with a higher incidence of ischaemic cardiac events and MDD is more prevalent in patients with CHD. No single comprehensive model has yet described the causal mechanisms linking MDD to CHD.

Acculturation and Psychological Distress Among Non-Western Muslim Migrants - a Population-Based Survey

Background: Political and social developments point at increasing marginalization of Muslim migrants, but little is known about its consequences for the mental health of this particular group. Aim: To explore the relationship between acculturation and psychological distress among first-generation Muslim migrants from Turkey and Morocco in the Netherlands. Methods: A cross-sectional study. Respondents were interviewed in their preferred language.

A mental healthcare model for mass trauma survivors : control-focused behavioral treatment of earthquake, war and torture trauma

Mass trauma events, such as natural disasters, war and torture, affect millions of people every year. Currently, there is no mental health care model with the potential to address the psychological needs of survivors in a cost-effective way. This book presents such a model, along with guidance on its implementation, making it invaluable for both policy-makers and mental health professionals.

150 Jahre Psychotraumatologie = 150 Years of Psychotraumatology

Mit der Erstbeschreibung der railway-spine beginnt im Jahr 1866 die wechselvolle Geschichte der Psychotraumatologie zwischen wissenschaftlicher Erforschung und gesellschaftlicher Tabuisierung. Dabei waren an der Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert die Konzeptentwicklungen zur Traumatischen Neurose durch Hermann Oppenheim sowie zur traumainduzierten Dissoziation durch Pierre Janet wichtige Meilensteine der historischen Entwicklung.

PTSD in the elderly : the interaction between trauma and aging

Background: Because an increasingly large cohort of individuals is approaching their elderly years, there is concern about how the healthcare system will cope with the greater demands placed upon it. One area of concern is the impact of trauma and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the aged. Although several reviews have highlighted the lack of knowledge and research on the topic, there still remain gaps in the literature. Nevertheless, some recent behavioral, endocrinological and neuroimaging studies may provide new insights into the discussion.

The Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project at the Harvard South Shore Program: An Update on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

Background: This project aimed to provide an organized, sequential, and evidence-supported approach to the pharmacotherapy of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), following the format of previous efforts of the Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project at the Harvard South Shore Program.

Health and Social Needs of Traumatized Refugees and Asylum Seekers: An Exploratory Study

PURPOSE.  The purpose of this study was to describe the care needs of adult traumatized refugees and asylum seekers.
DESIGN AND METHODS.  A mixed-methods design was used. A survey was conducted using the Camberwell Assessment of Need (CAN) among 30 patients. Semistructured in-depth interviews were subsequently conducted with eight of these patients.

Treatment of complicated grief

Following the death of a loved one, a small group of grievers develop an abnormal grieving style, termed complicated or prolonged grief. In the effort to establish complicated grief as a disorder in DSM and ICD, several attempts have been made over the past two decades to establish symptom criteria for this form of grieving. Complicated grief is different from depression and PTSD yet often comorbid with other psychological disorders. Meta-analyses of grief interventions show small to medium effect sizes, with only few studies yielding large effect sizes.

Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings: linking practice and research

This review links practice, funding, and evidence for interventions for mental health and psychosocial wellbeing in humanitarian settings. We studied practice by reviewing reports of mental health and psychosocial support activities (2007–10); funding by analysis of the financial tracking service and the creditor reporting system (2007–09); and interventions by systematic review and meta-analysis.
