Sri Lanka’s post-Tsunami psychosocial playground: lessons for future psychosocial programming and interventions following disasters

This paper explores examples of unsolicited, culturally inappropriate and conflict insensitive interventions initiated by both local and international teams to Tsunami-affected populations in Sri Lanka. It also explores the apparently prevalent belief that psychosocial interventions can be delivered as ‘relief packages’ to those affected, and as part of project-based, rather than process-enabling, interventions.

Working creatively with young children within a context of continuous trauma

This paper documents and shares one experience ofa therapeutic group facilitated for young children within the context of continuous trauma. It explores creative ways to work with children for whom, at an early age, experiences may have been overwhelming and their trust in the world around them has been threatened by external events.

Keywords:    children, group work,

partnership, trauma, community-based intervention


The social world of dreams and nightmares in a post-conflict setting: the case of Gorongosa in central Mozambique

The paper describes socio-cultural theories of interpretations of dreams among the population in central Mozambique. In general, dreams are considered a means of communication, conveying important messages that are applied to organize the social world. The prolonged civil war has impacted upon these dreaming systems by adding another dimension to the interpretation. War-related dreams do not serve as communication channels, but are experienced as striking repetitions of past events.

Training trainers for counsellors and psychosocial workers in areas of armed conflict: some basic principles

Training counsellors, or psychosocial workers, in areas of armed conflict requires an explicit vision of the relationship between the educational methods used by the trainer, and the main messages of the training. This article describes the educational methods, subject matter and main messages of contact-oriented training of trainers for counsellors or psychosocial workers. The approach described herein is an interactive process in which the participants and the trainer become engaged in through personal contact.

The 'TOT’: a global approach for the training of trainers for psychosocial and mental health interventions in countries affected by war, violence and natural disasters

In this article practical methods are describedfor the training of trainers who have the task to train teams implementing psychosocial and mental health interventions after wars, violence and natural disasters.

Keywords: TOT, training of trainers, training, supervision, psychosocial, mental health, interventions, global, violence, natural disasters

The training of trainers (TOT1) in context

Mental health of Afghan refugees in Pakistan: a qualitative rapid reconnaissance field study

For the past 25years, Afghans have accountedfor the greatest number ofdisplaced persons in the world. A large proportion of this population has sought refuge in neighbouring Pakistan. Many Afghan refugees have experienced unimaginable suffering due to war and its consequences. Mental health is an essential aspect of the care of refugees, yet the mental health and well-being of Afghan refugees has not been well studied. This qualitative field survey endeavours to gain some understanding of collective factors influencing mental health in a refugee camp in Karachi, Pakistan.

Responding to the psychosocial impact of the Tsunami in a war zone: experiences from northern Sri Lanka

Three days after theTsunami hit the war-torn Jaffna district in northern Sri Lanka, a mental health task force was formed. The approach of this task force, comprising a cooperative initiative between 18 humanitarian agencies, is described in this field report.

Keywords: tsunami, psychological first aid

Before the Tsunami

Bread and roses: supporting refugee women in a multicultural group

This field report describes the support and reconciliation work in a weekly multicultural and multilingual therapeutic group of African refugee women in a shelter in Johannesburg, South Africa. The problems of the participants, the therapeutic approach (which includes: team building exercises, guided imaginations, story telling, drawing, modelling and discussion) as well as the impact on the participants, are all discussed.

Keywords: reconciliation, support


Violence with a purpose: exploring the functions and meaning of violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo

In situations of protracted armed conflict such as in sub-Saharan Africa, there exists a strong tendency to describe rebel violence as a senseless war of ‘all-against-allThis ‘Hobbesian’ violence (a theory that people have the fundamental right to pursue selfish aims but will relinquish those rights in the interest of the common good) is often illustrated by the sight of drugged and gun-toting youths engaged in the harassment of innocent civilians. Their sole motivation appears to lay in the benefit of organized plunder.
