Ethnocultural Aspects of PTSD: An Overview of Concepts, Issues, and Treatments

The present article offers an overview discussion of ethnocultural aspects of PTSD, with special attention to major conceptual issues, clinical considerations, and therapy practices. The historical circumstances leading to the widespread acceptance of PTSD among conventional mental health professionals, and the subsequent criticisms that emerged from scholars, humanitarian workers, and ethnocultural minorities are presented as an important background to the current controversial status of the concept, especially with regard to arguments regarding the ethnocultural determinants of PTSD.

Outbreak management : towards a model for the next crisis

Outbreaks of infectious diseases have increasingly led to crises in recent decades. These crises are often very complex. There are many disciplines involved, the effects extend internationally, there is pressure, there are scientific uncertainties and there is talk of changing social perceptions. In the past, e.g. the outbreak of SARS, has shown that in crisis, it is not sufficient to publish...

Narratives of suffering of South Asian immigrant survivors of domestic violence

This article examines the narratives of suffering expressed by a group of South Asian immigrant survivors of domestic violence who accessed a mental health clinic in New York City. These accounts illustrate women's own perceptions of their suffering and symptoms and provide a window into the South Asian immigrant community's ideologies and moral domains regarding gender, violence, and sickness,...

Network coding : exploiting broadcast and superposition in wireless networks

In this thesis we investigate improvements in efficiency of wireless communication networks, based on methods that are fundamentally different from the principles that form the basis of state-of-the-art technology. The first difference is that broadcast and superposition are exploited instead of reducing the wireless medium to a network of point-to-point links. The second difference is that the...

Memorial mania : public feeling in America

In the past few decades, thousands of new memorials to executed witches, victims of terrorism, and dead astronauts, along with those that pay tribute to civil rights, organ donors, and the end of Communism have dotted the American landscape. Equally ubiquitous, though until now less the subject of serious inquiry, are temporary memorials: spontaneous offerings of flowers and candles that...

Men with a mission: Veterans' meanings of peacekeeping in Cambodia

This qualitative study examines veterans' meanings of peacekeeping in Cambodia. In-depth interviews were conducted among 19 veterans. Purposive sampling distinguished between veterans with and without stress responses. Thematic analysis showed that peacekeeping reflected a different reality in which military performance and comradeship provided clear sense and direction. A sense of fulfillment...

Multi-family therapy : concepts and techniques

Multi-Family Therapy (MFT) involves the bringing together of different families in a therapeutic context in order to work jointly to overcome each of their specific and very individual problems. This innovative book combines the theory and concepts of MFT with detailed practical examples of techniques and exercises that have been proven to help with problematic children, teenagers and adults. In...

Langzeitverläufe stationärer Psychotherapie bei komplexen Traumafolgestörungen

Das integrative Behandlungskonzept der Station 9 im Asklepios Fachklinikum Göttingen vereint die Psychodynamisch Imaginative Traumatherapie (PITT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) sowie Elemente der Dialektisch Behavioralen Therapie (DBT). Behandelt werden Frauen mit komplexen posttraumatischen Symptombildern überwiegend nach Typ-II-Traumatisierungen. Die kurzfristige...

Le stress au sein de la population militaire: du stress opérationnel à l'état de stress post-traumatique = Stress within the militairy population: from operational stress to post traumatic stress disorder

Durant ces dernières années, l’armée française a dû profondément évoluer pour être en mesure de faire face aux nouvelles missions qui lui sont confiées. Les militaires français interviennent depuis longtemps hors des frontières, dans des situations de conflit limité. Aujourd’hui, ils sont engagés aux côtés des États-Unis dans une guerre mondiale contre le terrorisme (GOWT) dont le principal...
