Neurogenes Zittern: eine körperorientierte Behandlungsmethode für Traumata in grossen Bevölkerungsgruppen = Neurogenetic tremors: the use of a body-based intervention for mass trauma recovery

Massentrauma wird immer mehr zu einem Thema globaler Besorgnis, da die Gruppe der Trauma-Überlebenden weltweit ständig wächst. Das Bewusstsein für Trauma und seine schädlichen Folgen dominiert diese Ära menschlicher Geschichte, somit wird Trauma von einem Thema peripheren Interesses zu einem zentralen Gegenstand der Forschung. Es braucht ein neues Paradigma der Traumaheilung, um große Bevölkerungsteile an Trauma-Überlebenden zu behandeln. Dieser Artikel stellt eine grundlegende körperorientierte Theorie und Interventionstechnik für die Heilung von Massentraumata vor.

Mon parcours traumatique chez hadès: survivre une deflagration massive en dix chocs progressifs = My traumatic journey with Hades: the progressive trauma of surviving a massive explosion

Cet article donne le retour d'expériences d'un survivant de la catastrophe de Ghislenghien, au moyen de son témoignage concernant le traumatisme progressif de sa survie. La chronologie des premiers moments est qualifiée comme un parcours traumatique chez Hadès et expliquée selon les modèles empiriques et les théories d'auteurs français psychodynamiques. Surtout les moments de dissociation péri-traumatique ? c.-à-d. de déréalisation, de pilotage automatique et de déni de la réalité ? semblent avoir eu un impact indélébile.

Measuring Posttraumatic Stress Reactions in Children: A Preliminary Validation of the Children's Responses to Trauma Inventory

The Children's Responses to Trauma Inventory (CRTI) is a self-report measure for posttraumatic stress reactions in children. We validated the original CRTI through secondary data analysis of four clinical and nonclinical samples (N = 96) and expert consultation. After revision, the CRTI was further validated in 8- to 12-year-old traumatized children in the general population (N = 243). The original CRTI showed moderate to excellent reliability and both convergent and discriminant validity, but it also had limitations in formulation and scope of the items.

Mental health first aid training by e-learning: a randomized controlled trial

OBJECTIVE: Mental Health First Aid training is a course for the public that teaches how to give initial help to a person developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis. The present study evaluated the effects of Mental Health First Aid training delivered by e-learning on knowledge about mental disorders, stigmatizing attitudes and helping behaviour. METHOD: A randomized controlled trial was carried out with 262 members of the Australian public.

Managing trauma in the workplace

This book looks at the impact of trauma not only from the perspective of employees but also from that of their organisations. In addition to describing the negative outcomes from traumatic exposure it offers solutions which will not only build a more resilient workforce but also lead to individual and organisational growth and development.

Knowledge and quality of life in female torture survivors. Building health-related knowledge and quality of life through health promotion and empowerment strategies among female expatriate torture survivors

Immigrant women represent disadvantaged and vulnerable members of the torture survivor population. They tend to be isolated and have negative coping strategies resulting in poor health and wellbeing. The purpose of this pilot study is to develop and evaluate an educational and interactive women&rsquo,s health-based programme using health promotion and empowerment strategies, with the intent of using the knowledge gained to contribute to an ongoing women&rsquo,s health programme.

Late effects of trauma: PTSD in holocaust survivors

Participants in this study were Jewish Holocaust survivors (N = 89) divided into groups depending on the type of trauma they had experienced. As compared to the control group, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms were clearly more persistent in the trauma group. The most salient PTSD symptoms (primarily avoidance and increased arousal) were noted in those who survived hiding on the Aryan side. Men were more at risk for reexperiencing trauma than women, who were more prone to avoidance or numbing of general responsiveness.

Inpatient treatment to online aftercare: E-Mailing themes as a function of therapeutic outcomes

The authors applied the meaning extraction method (MEM) to 4,241 e-mails written by 297 participants of an email-based aftercare program following inpatient psychotherapy. Principal-components analysis of the most frequently used nouns in the e-mails yielded nine components: life decisions and coping, relationship conflict, psychological and physical symptoms, family of origin, social and leisure activities, present family and household, treatment, exercise and diet, and work. Relative to men, women focused more on symptoms, exercise and diet, and family of origin, but less on work.

Idioms of distress among trauma survivors: subtypes and clinical utility

In this introduction to the Special Issue on Trauma and Idioms of Distress, we provide an overview of the concept and typology of idioms of distress, focusing particularly on their clinical utility. This includes the role of idioms as indicators of trauma exposure, of various types of psychopathology and of levels of distress, risk and functioning. It likewise includes the fact that idioms of distress may profoundly influence the personal meaning of having a trauma-related disorder, may shape the interpersonal course of the disorder and may pattern help-seeking and self-treatment.

Gruppenpsychotherapie bei traumatisierten Patientinnen.Konzepte und Stand der Forschung

Group psychotherapy has been shown to be a valuable element in the treatment of trauma survivors. Most concepts address childhood trauma, while some also deal with survivors of war trauma. A variety of psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral group concepts are presented. While transference-oriented psychodynamic group psychotherapy aims at working through enactments of traumatic experiences in the transference relationship, other psycho-dynamic approaches focus on processing traumatic affects without using transference work.
