Posttraumatic growth associated with a relative's serious illness.

Posttraumatic growth (PTG) involves personal psychological growth in response to a traumatic or very stressful event. Using theoretical guidance from Tedeschi and Calhoun's cognitive model, this study evaluated the relationship between specific individual, distress, and stress-processing factors and PTG among young adults who experienced an illness-related trauma earlier in life through a relative's serious illness. Sixty individuals with a relative with a serious illness completed measures of PTG, posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), anxiety, and coping.

Post-traumatic reactions to psychosis in people with multiple psychotic episodes

Psychotic symptoms, coercive interventions, and other negative treatment experiences have been found to lead to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. However, prior research has not examined the importance of the DSM-IV A1 (perception of threat) and A2 (negative emotion at time of event) criteria for a traumatic event due to a psychotic episode.

Plaintes psychologiques et somatiques: parmi les survivants d'un tremblement de terre à Bam = Mental and somatic complaints among Bam earthquake survivors

This study examined psychological distress and somatic complaints in 105 earthquake survivors (30 men and 75 women) recruited at two time points: 7 and 14 months posttrauma. More then 80% of the subjects developed PTSD. This study demonstrates the necessity to explore psychotraumatic symptoms in patients referred for somatic complaints.

Photography as a nursing instrument in mental health care : how to use clients' photo stories for recovery

The general aim of this thesis was to examine how nurses can use photography to assist psychiatric patients in making meaning of experiences of illness and to help them in the process of recovery. The study is based on a hermeneutic-phenomenological perspective, focusing on processes of experiencing and meaning making in the life world. Existential issues, e.g. the way how people give meaning to their suffering, play an important role in this process of being-in-the world.

Noradrenergic enhancement of reconsolidation in the amygdala impairs extinction of conditioned fear in rats-a possible mechanism for the persistence of traumatic memories in PTSD

Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with enhanced noradrenergic activity. Animal and human studies demonstrate that noradrenergic stimulation augments consolidation of fear learning. Retrieval of well-established memories by presenting a learned fear cue triggers reconsolidation processes during which memories may be updated, weakened, or strengthened. We previously reported that noradrenergic blockade in the rat amygdala impairs reconsolidation of fear memories. Here we investigated the effects of noradrenergic enhancement on reconsolidation of learned fear.

Organization and Execution of Current Practices of Deployment-related Mental Health Support

Mental Health support (MHS) is an integral part of the whole chain of events within militaryorganizations. Several countries are delivering this support for troops that are active in the currentoperation in Afghanistan (ISAF). Between 2009-2010 TNO Defense, Safety and Security, part of theNetherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research (TNO), executed a project named Assessment ofOrganization and Execution of Current Practices of Deployment-related MH Support (DRMHS).

Mindfulness is associated with fewer PTSD symptoms, depressive symptoms, physical symptoms, and alcohol problems in urban firefighters

Objective: This study investigated the association between mindfulness, other resilience resources, and several measures of health in 124 urban firefighters. Method: Participants completed health measures of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, depressive symptoms, physical symptoms, and alcohol problems and measures of resilience resources including mindfulness, optimism, personal mastery, and social support. The Mindful Awareness and Attention Scale (MAAS, Brown & Ryan, 2003) was used to assess mindfulness.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy - a systematic review of randomized controlled trials

Objective: To systematically review the evidence for MBSR and MBCT. Method: Systematic searches of Medline, PsycInfo and Embase were performed in October 2010. MBSR, MBCT and Mindfulness Meditation were key words. Only randomized controlled trials (RCT) using the standard MBSR/MBCT programme with a minimum of 33 participants were included. Results: The search produced 72 articles, of which 21 were included. MBSR improved mental health in 11 studies compared to wait list control or treatment as usual (TAU) and was as efficacious as active control group in three studies.

Narrative and emotion integration in psychotherapy: investigating the relationship between autobiographical memory specificity and expressed emotional arousal in brief emotion-focused and client-centred treatments of depression

Clinically depressed individuals have consistently been shown to demonstrate a bias for overgeneral autobiographical memory (ABM) disclosure, a strategy used to protect against the access of intense, primary emotions that may accompany specific memories. The present study examined how ABM specificity in client narratives was related to expressed emotional arousal in brief emotion-focused and client-centred psychotherapy for depression.

Narrative exposure therapy : a short-term treatment for traumatic stress disorders

Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) is an intervention for the treatment of survivors of multiple and severe traumatic events. NET is working through the biography with a focus on trauma and can provide considerable relief after only a few sessions. This new edition provides a new conceptual ubderstanding of complex and social trauma. Part I describes the theoretical background. Part II shows how to use the NET approach step by step, with practical advise and tools.
