Women at war: implications for mental health

This studie investigates the impact of deployment stressors on the mental health outcomes of women deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. This pilot study examined exposure to combat experiences and military sexual harassment in a sample of 54 active duty women and assessed the impact of these stressors on post-deployment posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and depressive symptoms.

Virtual reality goes to war: a brief review of the future of military behavioral healthcare

Numerous reports indicate that the incidence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in returning OEF/OIF military personnel is creating a significant healthcare challenge. These findings have served to motivate research on how to better develop and disseminate evidence-based treatments for PTSD. Virtual Reality delivered exposure therapy for PTSD has been previously used with reports of positive outcomes.

Vécu intergénératonnel du traumatisme dans les familles en exile = Intergenerational trauma life experience in families in exile

Exile has long been known as a human phenomenon. No matter how young the children are when they leave their native country, it seems that this trauma is something that passes from a generation to another. Exile seems to be the primary trigger of the trauma. The travel across the borders, the distress when leaving their homeland, the daily anguish felt in the host country, with the post traumatic disorder, contribute to the trauma of the exile family. From the study of 52 paintings realized in creative expression workshops have been studied by four families living in exile.

Traumatisme psychique et mémoire traumatique: à propos de trois cas clinques = Psychic trauma and traumatic memory: about three clinical cases

S'il est aisé de poser le diagnostic de la névrose traumatique en présence du syndrome de répétition, l'absence de ce dernier incite le thérapeute à occulter l'événement traumatique et l'effraction induite par la rencontre avec le réel de la mort, et donc à ne pas poser le bon diagnostic et à prescrire la prise en charge la mieux appropriée.

Travail de crise et clinique du trauma: accueil, besoin de sécurité et rencontre clinique = Crisis management and trauma therapy: how to welcome a patient and meet his need for security

Les personnes que nous rencontrons dans le cadre du projet thérapeutique pour les patients traumatisés et dissociés de notre unité de crise, présentent des troubles de la personnalité et des pathologies associées multiples qui ont souvent fait écran à la dimension traumatique sous jacente. Comment se positionner face à cette mosaïque de troubles ? Comment travailler le traumatisme sans risquer de faire violence au patient qui se défend en déployant tant d'énergie et de symptômes ?

Treatment for PTSD Related to Childhood Abuse: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to childhood abuse is associated with features of affect regulation and interpersonal disturbances that substantially contribute to impairment. Existing treatments do not address these problems or the difficulties they may pose in the exploration of trauma memories, an efficacious and frequently recommended approach to resolving PTSD.

Treatment of complex PTSD: Results of the ISTSS expert clinician survey on best practices

This study provides a summary of the results of an expert opinion survey initiated by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Complex Trauma Task Force regarding best practices for the treatment of complex posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Ratings from a mail-in survey from 25 complex PTSD experts and 25 classic PTSD experts regarding the most appropriate treatment approaches and interventions for complex PTSD were examined for areas of consensus and disagreement.

Treatment of Complex Trauma in Young Children: Developmental and Cultural Considerations in Application of the ARC Intervention Model

The Attachment, Self Regulation, and Competency (ARC) Framework is a theoretically grounded, evidence-informed, promising practice used to treat complex trauma in children and adolescents. This article introduces the ARC model and describes its application with young children of diverse ethnocultural backgrounds involved in the child protection system due to maltreatment. Examination of the clinical application of the ARC model with this population underscores the importance of grounding child complex trauma treatment in the caregiving system.

Tsunami-affected Scandinavian tourists: Disaster exposure and post-traumatic stress symptoms

BACKGROUND: Studies of short- and long-term mental effects of natural disasters have reported a high prevalence of post-traumatic stress. Less is known about disaster-exposed tourists repatriated to stable societies. AIMS: To examine the association between exposure to the 2004 Southeast Asian tsunami and symptoms of post-traumatic stress in three Scandinavian tourist populations. METHODS: Postal survey of Norwegian, Danish and Swedish Southeast Asia tourists registered by the police when arriving at national airports.

Traumasensibles Yoga: Traseyo: ein neues Konzept der Körperarbeit für traumatisierte Menschen = Traseyo: a new approach to body work for people with traumas

In folgendem Artikel wird ein neues Konzept der Körperarbeit für traumatisierte Menschen vorgestellt: Traseyo – traumasensibles Yoga. Traseyo ist klassischer Hatha-Yoga-Unterricht, der sich Jahrtausendealter Übungen bedient. Die Besonderheit dieses Konzeptes liegt darin, dass es aktiv neurophysiologische Veränderungen nach Trauma in der Unterrichtsmethodik und -gestaltung aufgreift. Ebenso passt es sich bewusst den besonderen seelischen, geistigen und körperlichen Bedürfnissen traumatisierter Menschen an.
