Surviving the Holocaust : a meta-analysis of the long-term sequelae of a genocide

The current set of meta-analyses elucidates the long-term psychiatric, psychosocial, and physical consequences of the Holocaust for survivors. In 71 samples with 12,746 participants Holocaust survivors were compared with their counterparts (with no Holocaust background) on physical health, psychological wellbeing, posttraumatic stress symptoms, psychopathological symptomatology, cognitive functioning, and stressrelated physiology.

Suspicious minds at risk? The role of meaning in processing war and peacekeeping experiences

The purpose of this study was to examine meaning as a mediator between perceived threat and posttraumatic stress responses among a sample of 1,561 veterans who participated in war or peacekeeping operations. Data were collected by questionnaire. Path analysis was performed to assess the expected relationships between the observed variables. Meaning in terms of distrust and personal benefits partially mediated the relation between perceived threat and posttraumatic stress responses.

Symboldrama, a psychotherapeutic method for adolescents with dissociative and PTSD symptoms: a pilot study

A total of 15 clinically referred adolescents who had been sexually or physically abused participated in this pilot study of the use of symboldrama psychotherapy. Symboldrama is a psychotherapeutic method that uses imagery as the major psychotherapeutic tool. All adolescents reported to be suffering from a high level of dissociative symptoms and other symptoms such as anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress, and anger after their traumas.

Special Issue: critical reflections on refugee integration: lessons from international perspectives

Legal status and refugee integration: a UK perspective/ Sylvie Da Lomba, When policy creates politics: the problematizing of immigration and the consequences for refugee integration in the UK/ Gareth Mulvey, State assisted integration: refugee integration policies in Scandinavian welfare states: the Swedish and Norwegian experience/ Marko Valenta and Nihad Bunar, Living in limbo: integration of forced migrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Slovenia/ Natalija Vrecer, 'When they don't use it they wil lose it': professionals, deprofessionalization and reprofessionalization: the case of refuge

Social capital and mental health in Japan: a multilevel analysis

AbstractBackgroundA national cross-sectional survey was conducted in Japan. This is because the growing recognition of the social determinants of health has stimulated research on social capital and mental health. In recent years, systematic reviews have found that social capital may be a useful factor in the prevention of mental illness.

Sous le masque de la dangerosite, le trauma = Under the mask of dangerousness, the trauma

Résumé / AbstractLes manifestations psychotraumatiques différées trouvent à côté du syndrome de répétition des modalités d'expression variées, en particulier chez l'adolescent. Le retentissement comportemental est parfois au premier plan, avec une clinique se déclinant autour du spectre de la violence et de l'agressivité impliquant une potentielle dangerosité par la menace qu'elle fait peser sur autrui. Le caractère bruyant de cette symptomatologie ne doit pas occulter, au-delà de la description phénoménologique, les déterminants sous-jacents.

Sexualisierte gewalt im II. Weltkrieg: Resonanz auf eine studienankündigung als kaleidoskop Deutscher ansätze zur erinnerungskultur = Sexualized violence in Worldwar II - Responses to the announcement of a study as a kaleidoscope of German approaches to

Die mit einer Pressemitteilung der Universität Greifswald angekündigte Studie zur sexualisierten Gewalt am Ende des II. Weltkrieges erzielte eine so große und komplexe Resonanz bei Betroffenen, Interessierten und in den Medien, dass ein vielschichtiges Erfahrungs- und Meinungsbild zu dem bislang im öffentlichen Diskurs kaum thematisierten Traumageschehen entstand. Der vorliegende Artikel versucht, typische Diskussionsbeiträge beispielhaft zu zitieren und psychotraumatologisch zu kommentieren.

Sense of coherence and socio-demographic characteristics predicting posttraumatic stress symptoms and recovery in the aftermath of the second Lebanon war

This study investigated the role of sense of coherence (SOC) as a mediator between demographic attributes of individuals (gender, age, economic situation, and exposure to traumatic events during the war) and two war outcomes (postwar stress symptoms and perceived posttraumatic recovery).

Ressourcenorientierte psychodynamische Gruppenpsychotherapie in der Behandlung komplexer Traumfolgestörungen

While there is substantial interest in trauma-specific psychodynamic individual therapy, this is not true for group therapies. Some general considerations will be put forward regarding the specificity of group psychotherapy with patients suffering from complex posttraumatic disorders. Especially, a good balance of resilience vs. problem orientation is recommended.
