Addressing gender based violence and psychosocial support among South Sudanese refugee settlements in northern Uganda

This personal reflection describes how the nongovernmental organisation, TPO Uganda, tried to expand an existing programme providing psychosocial support to survivors of sexual gender based violence in refugee camps in Adjumani District to Bidibidi in Yumbe District, Uganda with an enormous group of new refugees from South Sudan.

Importance of supporting survivors through a mental health and psychosocial support lens to ensure justice : a case study of girls who were raped and abused in a childcare home in Nepal

This field report from Nepal highlights the importance of mental health and psychosocial support in ensuring justice for survivors of sexual violence and abuse. It solidifies how psychosocial support can help to improve the low rate of reporting of sexual violence and lead to higher rates of convictions of perpetrators. The Centre for Victims of Torture Nepal has supported more than 150 survivors of torture, conflict and rape to receive justice in the courts through a holistic approach with mental health and psychosocial support at its core.

Crossing borders: trauma and resilience in young refugees : a multimethod study

Many adolescent refugees and asylum seekers have experienced traumatic events. They often suffer from intrusions of these events, and report avoidance behaviors, sleeping problems and hyperarousal. On top of that, they are dealing with many daily stressors caused by their new and marginal social position in the Netherlands. How do these adolescents keep up in the Dutch society?

Trauma-Focused Therapy for Older Adults

Improvements in biomedicine and public health have resulted in a substantial growth of the older adult population in the United States and other industrialized countries. Indeed, 12.4% of Americans, or over 40 million individuals, are currently 65 and over, with the fastest growing segment of older adults those between the ages of 85 to 94. This will likely mean an increased need for mental health services for olderadults (Karel, Gatz, & Smyer, 2012).

The Use of Virtual Reality Technology in the Treatment of Anxiety and Other Psychiatric Disorders

Learning objectives: After participating in this activity, learners should be better able to:

• Evaluate the literature regarding the effectiveness of incorporating virtual reality (VR) in the treatment of psychiatric disorders

• Assess the use of exposure-based intervention for anxiety disorders

Sex differences in the association between area deprivation and generalised anxiety disorder : British population study


Objective Studies have shown that area-level deprivation measured by factors, such as non-home ownership, non-car ownership and household overcrowding, can increase the risk for mental disorders over and above individual-level circumstances, such as education and social class. Whether area-level deprivation is associated with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) independent of personal circumstances, and whether this association is different between British women and men is unknown.

Psychosocial crisis management : The unexplored intersection of crisis leadership and post-disaster psychosocial support


Epidemiological research has documented the serious health issues that can affect the victims of disasters and major crises. Yet, the psychosocial dimension of crisis has received little attention in crisis management literature. This paper integrates psychosocial principles with a model of strategic crisis management.

Disturbed grief : prolonged grief disorder and persistent complex bereavement disorder

What you need to know

  • When confronted with the death of a loved one, most people experience transient rather than persistent distress, and do not develop a mental health condition.

  • Bereavement, specifically the sudden, unexpected death of a loved one is associated with an elevated risk for multiple psychiatric disorders.

  • Consider prolonged grief disorder (PGD) in people with ongoing separation distress beyond the first six to 12 months of bereavement.
