Dossier : Music in the camps

Dossier: Muziek in de kampen
  • Presentation [Presentatie] (Klaas Coulembier)

Association between baseline psychological attributes and mental health outcomes after soldiers returned from deployment


Psychological health is vital for effective employees, especially in stressful occupations like military and public safety sectors. Yet, until recently little empirical work has made the link  between requisite psychological resources and important mental health outcomes across time in those sectors. In this study we explore the association between 14 baseline psychological health attributes (such as adaptability, coping ability, optimism) and mental health outcomes following exposure to combat deployment.



Setting the stage for recovery. Improving veteran PTSD treatment effectiveness using statistical prediction

Over half a million Dutch veterans participated in almost a hundred war and peace keeping missions since 1940. During past deployments, veterans promoted peace and stability in conflict situations, endeavoured to win the hearts and minds of local communities and improved the lives of those affected in warzone circumstances. These men and women operated under harsh conditions that placed them at the vanguard of human violence and tragedy.

'I want to go home, but i am afraid' : The impact of war on Mosul's children

In early July 2017, the coalition1 military offensive to oust so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) from Mosul reached its grisly climax. Civilians have borne the brunt of this conflict, with half a million school-aged children amongst the displaced. 2 Amid the horror of the ISIS occupation of Iraq’s cities and villages, it is comforting to believe that once the group has been defeated militarily, normality will return and traumas inflicted will quickly recede. Yet in the medium to long-term, the suffering of Mosul’s children looks set to continue.

EHRI Portal Manual

The EHRI Online Portal allows you to explore information about Holocaust-related institutions and their collections across Europe and beyond. It is one of the main achievements of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) project, and it seeks to overcome one of the hallmark challenges of Holocaust research: the fragmentation and wide geographic dispersal of archival sources documenting the event.

EHRI Portal

The EHRI portal offers access to information on Holocaust-related archival material held in institutions across Europe and beyond.

EHRI Portal Introduction

This video gives a short introduction to the what, why and how of the online portal of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure, in just under 3 minutes.

Prevalence of use of erectile dysfunction medication by Dutch military personnel between 2003 and 2012.

Use of ED medication can be seen as a marker for ED. ED is associated with increasing age, exposure to traumatic events and physical injuries in military veterans. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of use of ED medication in Dutch military personnel in the period 2003–2012 and to assess its association with age and psychotropic medication use. Data on dispensing of ED medication, age and co-medication with psychotropic medication of all Dutch military personnel between 2003 and 2012 were collected.

VA's Open Data

Open data is VA data that is freely available to the public. It is a by-product of the work the VA does for Veterans, and is not personal data (names, addresses, birthplace, etc…).The idea of open data is that public data should be easily accessible and usable by anyone to create products like web or mobile apps, infographics, or stories - the sky is really the limit.For years, government data has made it possible for innovators and entrepreneurs to create products of value for the American people (if you have ever used a GPS you have benefited from one of these products).
