EHRI Portal

The EHRI portal offers access to information on Holocaust-related archival material held in institutions across Europe and beyond.

EHRI Portal Introduction

This video gives a short introduction to the what, why and how of the online portal of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure, in just under 3 minutes.

Prevalence of use of erectile dysfunction medication by Dutch military personnel between 2003 and 2012.

Use of ED medication can be seen as a marker for ED. ED is associated with increasing age, exposure to traumatic events and physical injuries in military veterans. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of use of ED medication in Dutch military personnel in the period 2003–2012 and to assess its association with age and psychotropic medication use. Data on dispensing of ED medication, age and co-medication with psychotropic medication of all Dutch military personnel between 2003 and 2012 were collected.

VA's Open Data

Open data is VA data that is freely available to the public. It is a by-product of the work the VA does for Veterans, and is not personal data (names, addresses, birthplace, etc…).The idea of open data is that public data should be easily accessible and usable by anyone to create products like web or mobile apps, infographics, or stories - the sky is really the limit.For years, government data has made it possible for innovators and entrepreneurs to create products of value for the American people (if you have ever used a GPS you have benefited from one of these products).

Long-silenced songs of Holocaust survivors are rediscovered

When the death camps and ghettos of Europe were liberated at the end of World War II, a psychologist from Chicago visited former prisoners and recorded their interviews. Unheard for decades, a long-missing reel of songs has been rediscovered, offering a haunting document of the horrors of the Holocaust. David C. Barnett of PBS member station WVIZ reports.

David Boder’s recordings are among the earliest testimonies from Holocaust survivors. And long-missing reels of songs from this collection were recently discovered at the University of Akron, Ohio.

Individual variation in plasma oxytocin and vasopressin levels in relation to the development of combat-related PTSD in a large military cohort

In an attempt to decrease the risk of developing mental health problems after military deployment, it is important to find biological markers to identify those at risk. Oxytocin (OT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) are potential biomarkers for the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) because they are involved in the regulation of stress and anxiety. Therefore, the aim was to examine whether plasma OT (pOT) and AVP (pAVP) levels before and after deployment are biomarkers for the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms over time in addition to other known risk factors.

From shell-shock to PTSD, a century of invisible war trauma

In the wake of World War I, some veterans returned wounded, but not with obvious physical injuries. Instead, their symptoms were similar to those that had previously been associated with hysterical women – most commonly amnesia, or some kind of paralysis or inability to communicate with no clear physical cause.

Moral forces : interpreting ethical challenges in militairy operations

The studies presented in this dissertation reveal three broad types of ethical challenges during military operations at an individual level that are caused by social interactions of military personnel, regardless of rank. The first encompasses ethical challenges related to encounters with other individuals from another culturel background, like the local population. The second comprises work-related interactions such as those with fellow team members. The third are ethical challenges as a result of interactions with the home front.

Effect of Group vs Individual Cognitive Processing: Therapy in Active-Duty Military Seeking Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder A Randomized Clinical Trial

IMPORTANCE Cognitive processing therapy (CPT), an evidence-based treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), has not been tested as an individual treatment among active-duty military. Group CPT may be an efficient way to deliver treatment. OBJECTIVE To determine the effects of CPT on PTSD and co-occurring symptoms and whether they differ when administered in an individual or a group format.
