Against All Odds : Genocidal Trauma Is Associated with Longer Life-Expectancy of the Survivors

Does surviving genocidal experiences, like the Holocaust, lead to shorter life-expectancy? Such an effect is conceivable given that most survivors not only suffered psychosocial trauma but also malnutrition, restriction in hygienic and sanitary facilities, and lack of preventive medical and health services, with potentially damaging effects for later health and life-expectancy. We explored whether genocidal survivors have a higher risk to die younger than comparisons without such background.

Protective Factors for Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma Among Second and Third Generation Holocaust Survivors

The current study explored whether differentiation of self and family communication styles were protective factors of secondary traumatic stress (STS). A sample of 215 Jewish Americans/Canadians whose families emigrated from Europe prior to or after World War II completed an online survey consisting of self-report measures.

Palliative Care Among Second-Generation Holocaust Survivors : Communication Barriers

Palliative care at the end of life emphasizes quality of life until death, rather than actively pursuing curative treatment. Truth telling at different stages and open dialogue with both the patient and family are key components in palliative care. Children of Holocaust survivors, born after the end of the SecondWorldWar, are often referred to as ‘‘the second-generation’’ survivors (SGS).

Integrating Holocaust Research

In this article we present our ideas for an integrating activity for archival research on the Holocaust. We analyse how we can improve Holocaust-related collection descriptions for research, which we will make available online, and how EHRI provides travel grants for transnational access to existing infrastructures in Holocaust research. Both approaches help us overcome that Holocaust-related...

The Past in Belgium: Different Memories and Controversial History in a Divided Society?

This contribution focuses on the spirit and the associated behaviours belonging to Belgian society. It deals with the past and, more specifically, with the legacy of the two world wars. In which way did Flemings and Francophones interact? What is the real nature of their relations described from the roots of the many issues and embedded consequences seen even today? Why is there a different vision of the past and how did the situation evolve with the federalization within the country?

The Nachtjagd War Diaries

The result of over twenty years of meticulous research, this two volume work casts new light on the nightime battles in the west. It has previously been assumed that no detailed history of the night battles could ever be compiled because so much information had been lost at the end of the war. However, by analysing and cross referencing hundreds of sources, mostly unpublished, and some from private collections never seen by researchers before, Dr Boiten has for the first time been able to clearly analyse each night’s operations from both sides.

The Holocaust and Other Genocides : An Introduction

This unique guidebook offers concise information about five 20th-century cases of genocide, as well as the responses of international justice. By relevant use of illustrations and references, and by using the most recent literature, this is an indispensable work offering new insight, in the processes of genocide.


Bereavement and Mental Health after Sudden and Violent Losses : A Review

This paper reviews the literature on the psychological consequences of sudden and violent losses, including disaster and military losses. It also reviews risk and resilience factors for grief and mental health and describes the effects and possible benefit of psychosocial interventions. The review shows gaps in the literature on grief and bereavement after sudden and violent deaths. Still, some preliminary conclusions can be made.

'War on our Minds' : War, neutrality and identity in Dutch public debate during the First World War

During the First World War the Netherlands remained neutral. The Dutch did not fight, kill, die or in any way suffer to the extent the belligerents did. The chief problems and questions raised by the First World War accordingly had a comparatively limited impact on Dutch society. The question remains, however, to what extent a neutral country like the Netherlands did experience the First World War. That question is addressed in this article by looking at Dutch public debate on the war during the period 1914GÇô1919.

Protect: Process of Recognition and Orientation of Torture Victims in European Countries to Facilitate Care and Treatment

According to Council Directive 2003/9/EC of January 27th 2003 laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers, the Member States have to take into account the specific situation of vulnerable persons among other applicants who have been subjected to torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence. This provision shall apply only to applicants recognized as having special needs, after an individual assessment of their situation.
