The Impact of a Livelihood Intervention on Psychosocial Wellbeing and Economic Empowerment in an Ongoing Conflict Setting : The Gaza Strip

The literature indicates that poverty and unemployment in conflict-affected areas are major stressors that negatively affect civilian wellbeing and mental health. Restoring livelihoods is expected to have a positive impact on wellbeing (Inter-Agency Standing Committee, 2007). There is a lack of research evaluating livelihood interventions in ongoing conflict settings.


Rohingya mHealth : Investigating Mental Health in Kutupalong Refugee Camp

The mental health needs of people affected by humanitarian crisis are significant but may be overlooked by healthcare providers.


Higher prevalence of depressed mood in immigrants’ offspring reflects their social conditions in the host country : The HELIUS study


Immigrants from low- and middle-income countries who have settled in high-income countries show higher risks of depression in comparison with host populations. The risks are associated with adverse social conditions. Indecisive results have been reported on the depression risks of the offspring of immigrant populations.


To assess the prevalence of depressed mood in immigrant offspring relative to the host population and to analyse whether that risk is explained by social conditions.

Forced Migration Magnitude and violence in international crises: 1945–2015

This study focuses on forced migration and interstate violence during international crises, as a major security concern with salient implications for international relations stability.


Seeing Through the Rubble : The civilian impact of the use of explosive weapons in the fight against ISIS.

This report demonstrates the dire and long lasting impact on civilians of the recent international coalition’s campaign in Mosul, Raqqa and Hawijah and calls for stronger international commitment against the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.


Migration and dementia : a meta-analysis of epidemiological studies in Europe

To provide an overview of epidemiological studies of dementia among migrant groups in Europe and to estimate their pooled odds ratio (OR) v. the reference population.


A Family-Centered Approach to Working with Refugee Children and Adolescents

Families provide children with crucial surroundings of social support, acknowledgment, and hope, creating a protective shield. When a family is confronted with adversities and long-lasting stress and faces adjustment difficulties, familial support may become inadequate, and the family environment is a source of additional stress for the child. It is therefore important to find ways to preserve and strengthen family support in times of difficulties.



The PTSD Trials Standardized Data Repository (PTSD-Repository) is a database that contains hundreds of variables extracted from more than 300 published randomized controlled clinical trials of PTSD treatment. The data in PTSD-Repository are free to use without restriction.



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Planning the scale up of brief psychological interventions using theory of change

A large mental health treatment gap exists among conflict-affected populations, and Syrian refugees specifically. Promising brief psychological interventions for conflict-affected populations exist such as the World Health Organization’s Problem Management Plus (PM+) and the Early Adolescent Skills for Emotions (EASE) intervention, however, there is limited practical guidance for countries of how these interventions can be taken to scale. The aim of this study was to unpack pathways for scaling up PM+ and EASE for Syrian refugees.

