Cross-lagged associations between posttraumatic stress symptoms and coping self-efficacy in long-term recovery : A four-wave comparative study


Trauma-related coping self-efficacy (CSE) - in brief, the perceived ability to cope with the aftermath of a traumatic event - has been shown to affect psychological outcomes. A previous study showed that CSE affects subsequent PTSS levels, but not vice versa among a sample exposed 0-6 months ago.


Formin 2 links neuropsychiatric phenotypes at young age to an increased risk for dementia

Age-associated memory decline is due to variable combinations of genetic and environmental risk factors. How these risk factors interact to drive disease onset is currently unknown.

Here we begin to elucidate the mechanisms by which post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at a young age contributes to an increased risk to develop dementia at old age.

We show that the actin nucleator Formin 2 (Fmn2) is deregulated in PTSD and in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients.

An overview of posttraumatic stress disorder genetic studies by analyzing and integrating genetic data into genetic database PTSDgene

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating psychiatric syndrome with complex etiology. Studies aiming to explore genetic susceptibility and environmental triggers of PTSD have been increasing. However, the results are limited and highly heterogeneous. To understand the genetic study status of PTSD and explore more reliable candidates, we obtained 105 PTSD related genetic studies by comprehensively literature searching and filtering 1762 studies. Detailed phenotype and sample information for each study and association results for each genetic marker were extracted.

Screening for trauma-related symptoms via a smartphone app : The validity of Smart Assessment on your Mobile in referred police officers

To facilitate easily accessible screening for trauma-related symptoms, a web-based application called Smart Assessment on your Mobile (SAM) was developed. In this study, we examined whether SAM was able to accurately identify posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression in adults.

The assessment of psychopathology among traumatized refugees : measurement invariance of the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire and the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 across five linguistic groups

Background: Questionnaires are widely used to assess the mental health status of refugees, whereas their construct validity largely remains unexplored.

Objective: This study examined the construct validity of two widely-used instruments for the assessment of PTSD symptoms (Harvard Trauma Questionnaire [HTQ]; 16 items) and symptoms of anxiety and depression (Hopkins Symptom Check list-25 [HSCL-25]; 25 items) among Dutch and refugee patients with different linguistic backgrounds.

Grief following homicidal loss

Homicidally bereaved individuals have to deal with the notion that their loved one

is deliberately taken from them: the death is caused by the premeditated action of

another individual, most often unexpected. While the psychological consequences

for the people left behind are assumed to be great, few studies systematically

examined psychopathology following homicidal bereavement. The aim of this

dissertation was threefold. First of all, adaptation to homicidal loss was examined,

Trauma-Focused Therapy for Older Adults

Improvements in biomedicine and public health have resulted in a substantial growth of the older adult population in the United States and other industrialized countries. Indeed, 12.4% of Americans, or over 40 million individuals, are currently 65 and over, with the fastest growing segment of older adults those between the ages of 85 to 94. This will likely mean an increased need for mental health services for olderadults (Karel, Gatz, & Smyer, 2012).

Sex differences in the association between area deprivation and generalised anxiety disorder : British population study


Objective Studies have shown that area-level deprivation measured by factors, such as non-home ownership, non-car ownership and household overcrowding, can increase the risk for mental disorders over and above individual-level circumstances, such as education and social class. Whether area-level deprivation is associated with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) independent of personal circumstances, and whether this association is different between British women and men is unknown.
