Grief in women with previous miscarriage or stillbirth : a systematic review of cross-sectional and longitudinal prospective studies

Background: Women who have had miscarriages or stillbirths are known to have a high risk for enduring grief. However, the course and frequency of enduring grief in this subgroup are not fully understood.


Objective: Our aims were to assess the intensity of grief and its course in women with miscarriages or stillbirths and to estimate the frequency of severe grief reactions in this population. Additionally, we compared subgroups with miscarriages versus stillbirths and with single versus recurrent pregnancy loss.


A comparison of methods to harmonize cortical thickness measurements across scanners and sites

Results of neuroimaging datasets aggregated from multiple sites may be biased by site-specific profiles in participants’ demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as MRI acquisition protocols and scanning platforms.

Text mining to improve screening for trauma-related symptoms in a global sample

Previous studies showed that textual information could be used to screen respondents for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In this study, we explored the feasibility of using language features extracted from short text descriptions respondents provided of stressful events to predict trauma-related symptoms assessed using the Global Psychotrauma Screen. Texts were analyzed with both closed- and open-vocabulary methods to extract language features representing the occurrence of words, phrases, or specific topics in the description of stressful events.

Family History of Psychiatric Disorders as a Risk Factor for Maternal Postpartum Depression : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Importance  Current evidence on the association between family history of psychiatric disorders and postpartum depression is inconsistent; family studies have identified familial risk of postpartum depression, whereas systematic reviews and umbrella reviews, compiling all risk factors for postpartum depression, often have not.


Objective  To investigate the association between family history of psychiatric disorders and risk of developing postpartum depression within 12 months post partum.


Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicidal attempts and death rates : a systematic review

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the risk factors associated with suicidal behavior and thus, prioritizing its prevention is recommended.


Online psychosocial interventions for improving mental health in people during the COVID-19 pandemic : A systematic review and meta-analysis


During the COVID-19 pandemic, interventions for public mental health were mostly delivered through online modalities. Although many studies have explored the effectiveness of online psychosocial interventions through randomized controlled trials, there is a lack of quantitative synthesis of the effectiveness of online psychosocial interventions and an examination of their overall application.



A randomized controlled trial of Goal Management Training for executive functioning in schizophrenia spectrum disorders or psychosis risk syndromes

Executive functioning is essential to daily life and severely impaired in schizophrenia and psychosis risk syndromes. Goal Management Training (GMT) is a theoretically founded, empirically supported, metacognitive strategy training program designed to improve executive functioning.

Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and its associated factors among emergency department nurses in the Netherlands

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a trauma and stressor-related disorder that may develop as a result of experiencing, witnessing of being confronted with a traumatic event. A traumatic event is a situation that is so extreme, so severe and so powerful that it may result in unusually strong emotional, cognitieve or behavioral reactions in the person experiencing it.

Personal characteristics of World War Two survivor offspring related to the presence of indirect intrusions

Background: A substantial proportion of clinical World War Two survivor offspring reports intrusions about war events they did not experience themselves. 


Job loss-related complicated grief symptoms : a cognitive-behavioral framework

In a significantminority of people, involuntarily job loss can result in symptoms of job loss-related complicated grief (JLCG). The present cognitive-behavioral framework is introduced to explain the underlying processes that may lead to the development and maintenance of JLCG symptoms.
