Excessive Alcohol Use In Crisis-affected Societies : A Weak Spot of Global Mental Health Research and Practice

It is a positive development that researchers dealing with conflict-affected populations have become mindful of the complex interplay of contributing factors concerning the development and perpetuation of mental health disorders, and their role in the transmission and perpetuation of violence. For instance, it has become common to integrate multiple contextual, intra-, and inter-individual factors using conceptual frameworks (e.g., adaptations of Bronfenbrenner’s socio-ecological model) and longitudinal research strategies (e.g Amone-P’olak et al., 2013).

Grief Responses in U.S. Military Families Following Soldier Loss

Grief has increasingly become a focus of attention within the military, with 80 percent of redeployed soldiers reporting knowing someone who was seriously injured or killed in theater (Thomas et al., 2010; Toblin et al., 2012). Among 15,938 military service members (SMs) who died between 2001-2011, the majority of the deaths were the result of traumatic events, including accidents (34 percent), suicides (15 percent), homicides (3 percent), and terrorism (less than 1 percent) (Cozza et al., in press).

Authors' reply

Dr Halvorsen quite rightly draws attention to the various definitions of clinically significant change, which all have their advantages and disadvantages. We especially agree with the comment that the threshold for clinically significant change should at least coincide with the threshold for reliable change (18.66 in our sample).

The Youth Anxiety Measure for DSM-5 (YAM-5) : Development and First Psychometric Evidence of a New Scale for Assessing Anxiety Disorders Symptoms of Children and Adolescents

The Youth Anxiety Measure for DSM-5 (YAM-5) is a new self- and parent-report questionnaire to assess anxiety disorder symptoms in children and adolescents in terms of the contemporary classification system.

Spatially specific changes in EEG spectral power in post traumatic stress disorder during REM and NREM sleep.

Objectives: Sleep problems are a core feature in PTSD. However, a robust objective measure for the sleep disturbance has yet to be found. The current study assessed whether the spatial distribution of EEG spectral power in PTSD would provide such a measure.


Sigma fluctuations in police officers and combat veterans with PTSD

Objectives: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a significant health problem with as key symptoms aversive memory intrusions and overgeneralization of the traumatic event, as well as sleep disturbances. Interestingly, sleep has an important role in memory consolidation. In particular, sleep spindles in different cortical areas reflect reprocessing and consolidation of specific memory traces. Given their strong relationship with memory reprocessing during sleep and reported memory and sleep alterations in PTSD, sleep spindles may play a role in the aetiology of PTSD.

Improving the understanding and treatment of complex grief: an important issue for psychotraumatology

In the Netherlands, every year 500,000 people are confronted with the death of a close relative. Many of these people experience little emotional distress. In some, bereavement precipitates severe grief, distress, and dysphoria.

A small yet significant minority of bereaved individuals develops persistent and debilitating symptoms of persistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD) (also termed prolonged grief disorder), posttraumatic stress disorder, and depression.

Knowledge about early identification of, and preventive care for complex grief has increased.

Concerns Over Divergent Approaches in the Diagnostics of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

ABSTRACT Since the inception of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, third edition (DSM-III), there has been an ongoing polemic debate about the veracity, assessment, neurobiology, and longitudinal course of the disorder. As a consequence, its clinical utility has been the subject of a significant amount of conflicting opinion due to the competing interests involving clinicians, insurance companies, victim’s groups, and governments.

Fatty acid concentrations in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder compared to healthy controls.



Although fatty acid (FA)-supplementation studies are currently being implemented, in fact little is known about FA-profiles in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Therefore, the present study aimed at comparing FA-concentrations between PTSD-patients and healthy controls.


