The relationship between climate change and mental health: a systematic review of the association between eco-anxiety, psychological distress, and symptoms of major affective disorders

Background and objectives

The adverse impacts of climate change on mental health is a burgeoning area, although findings are inconsistent. The emerging concept of eco-anxiety represents distress in relation to climate change and may be related to mental health. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between eco-anxiety with validated mental health outcomes, specifically psychological distress and symptoms of major affective disorders.



Systematic review.



Editorial : Clinical implementation of the DSM-5 cultural formulation interview

There is an increasing need for mental health care to adapt assessment and treatment to cultural and social variety of populations. If cultural factors are not properly assessed, patients may receive an incorrect diagnosis, or the severity of their condition may be misjudged (1). Further, a lack of clinicians’ cultural sensitivity can create communication barriers leading to a patient’s breakdown of trust in the therapeutic process and a hesitancy to communicate important information (2).

Is pregnancy loss (that) disenfranchised? : Evidence from a vignette study

Background: Perceiving that society disregards grief after pregnancy loss (disenfranchised grief) elevates bereaved parents’ psychological burden.


Objective: In this research, we aimed to compare the disenfranchisement of pregnancy loss with four other loss types considering the bereaved’s gender.


Torture and its sequelae among prostituted women in the United States

Background: Extreme violence and psychological abuse have been extensively documented and are pervasive in prostitution. Survivors of prostitution report high levels of posttraumatic stress disorder, dissociation, depression, and self-loathing. These are the same sequelae reported by torture survivors.


Objective: Severe forms of violence have been categorized as torture by experts. The authors note that torture is commonly suffered during prostitution and should be appropriately named.


Celebrating 15 years of Psychotraumatology – a future with generative AI?

The European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) was launched in 2010. In this editorial, wereview the journal’s developments over the past 15 years, and discuss some of the currentethical challenges in scientific publishing, including the impact of generative AI. How canwe responsibly use these new technologies?


Additionally, we present 15 years of journalmetrics, highlight past and upcoming special issues on ‘hot topics,’ and are pleased toannounce awards for the best paper and best reviewer of 2023, recognizing twooutstanding recipients.



Psychometric Evaluation of the Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report Plus (TGI-SR+) in Chinese Bereaved People.


The Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report Plus (TGI-SR+) measures the most recent prolonged grief disorder (PGD) symptom sets defined in the 11th edition of the International Statistical of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-11) and the text revision of the fifth edition of the Diagnostical and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR). However, the TGI-SR+ has not yet been translated and validated in Chinese. This study aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Chinese translation of the TGI-SR+.



Social support and (complex) posttraumatic stress symptom severity : does gender matter?

Background: Perceived social support is an established predictor of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after exposure to a traumatic event. Gender is an important factor that could differentiate responses to social support, yet this has been little explored. Symptoms of complex PTSD are also common following trauma but have been under-researched in this context. Large scale studies with culturally diverse samples are particularly lacking.


Video-feedback intervention to promote positive parenting and sensitive discipline in early elementary education (VIPP-School) : a randomized controlled trial

The VIPP-SD (Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline) program has been shown to promote positive interactions between parents and children with behavior problems. This study evaluated an adapted version for teachers (VIPP-School) through a parallel-group randomized controlled trial involving 58 teacher–child dyads from kindergarten to second grade. Teacher–child dyads were randomly assigned to VIPP-School (n = 28) or an active control group (n = 30).


Trauma web-based psychoeducational programme : systematic cultural adaptation and protocol for a feasibility-acceptability study

Background: Trauma exposure in Indonesia is high despite the fact that there is limited accessibility to mental healthcare. Pulihkan Luka (PL) is a web-based trauma psychoeducation intervention that aims to provide a practical solution to overcome barriers to accessing mental healthcare.


Objectives: This article aimed to (1) describe the cultural adaptation process of PL for Indonesian students and (2) describe the design of the pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT) that examines the feasibility and acceptability of PL.


Sexual violence research across levels of the social ecology : from the individual to the societal

Sexual violence is a common and harmful form of trauma. In this article collection, EJPT features research on sexual violence spanning levels of the social ecology. First, we discuss the individual-level studies in this collection, which report on sexual violence prevalence, impact, prevention, and intervention.
