Lessons Learned in Using the Score of Perceived Outcomes (ScoPeO) Tool in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Programmes to Measure Quality of Life

Following the launch of the Impact and Quality of Life project in December 2012 by the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Humanity & Inclusion − formerly Handicap International (HI) − developed a new monitoring tool, the score of perceived outcomes (ScoPeO), which is now widely used across HI programmes to measure the quality of life.

Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in people with dementia : a structured literature review

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with cognitive dysfunctions and is an independent risk factor for dementia. A recent study has found the prevalence of PTSD in people with dementia is 4.7%–7.8%. However, little is known about the effectiveness of PTSD treatment for people with dementia. The primary aim of the current study is to review previous studies on the treatment of PTSD in people with dementia.


Self-guided online treatment of disturbed grief, posttraumatic stress, and depression in adults bereaved during the COVID-19 pandemic : A randomized controlled trial

This randomized-waitlist controlled trial is the first study examining short-term effects of a self-guided online grief-specific cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in reducing early persistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression symptoms in adults bereaved during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Traumatic Grief Inventory-Clinician Administered : A psychometric evaluation of a new interview for ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR prolonged grief disorder severity and probable caseness

There is a need for an interview-based measure to assess Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) included in the text revision of the fifth Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder (DSM-5-TR) and 11th edition of the International Classification of Disease (ICD-11). We evaluated the psychometric properties of the Traumatic Grief Inventory-Clinician Administered (TGI-CA); a new interview measuring DSM-5-TR and ICD-11 PGD severity and probable caseness.


Changes in trauma-related cognitions predict subsequent symptom improvement during prolonged exposure in patients with childhood abuse-related PTSD

Change in negative posttraumatic cognitions is a proposed mechanism through which Prolonged Exposure (PE) leads to symptom reduction of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A strong case for posttraumatic cognitions as a change mechanism in PTSD treatment can be made by establishing temporal precedence of change in cognitions. The current study examines the temporal relationship between change in posttraumatic cognitions and PTSD symptoms during PE, using the Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory.

A grounded theory study on the dynamics of parental grief during the children's end of life


Parents are increasingly confronted with loss during their child's end of life. Healthcare professionals struggle with parental responses to loss. This study aimed to understand parental coping with grief during their child's end of life.



The Ambiguous Loss Inventory Plus (ALI+) : Introduction of a Measure of Psychological Reactions to the Disappearance of a Loved One

Background: The disappearance of a significant person is an ambiguous loss due to the persistent uncertainty about the whereabouts of the person. Measures specifically capturing the psychological consequences of ambiguous loss are lacking. Therefore, this study aimed to develop the Ambiguous Loss Inventory Plus (ALI+) and evaluated its suitability for use with relatives of missing persons.


Combatting intergenerational effects of psychotrauma with multifamily therapy

There is growing evidence that parental trauma is associated with psychosocial disorders, externalizing and internalizing problems, and higher sensitivity to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children. Recent research findings suggest multidimensional relational, psychological, and neurobiological interrelated pathways of intergenerational influence. Moreover, the intergenerational effects of parental trauma need to be understood within a broader systemic context, as a part of family adaptation.


Depression, PTSD, and suicidal ideation among ex-ultra-Orthodox individuals in Israel

Introduction: Disaffiliating from an ultra-Orthodox society is complex and challenging. The process includes dealing with culture shock, traumatic experiences, education gaps, and disconnection from familiar surroundings. Thus, ex-ultra-Orthodox individuals (ex-ULTOIs) may face loneliness, lack of belongingness, and loss of meaning, which may relate to high psychological distress such as depression and suicide ideation.

Crises in the Anthropocene

2022 was a year of crises, not just one but multiple intersecting crises that caused traumatic stress in billions of people worldwide. COVID-19 is still not over. New wars have started, and the climate change impact is bigger than ever. Will the Anthropocene be an era of continued crises? This past year the European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) has again tried to contribute to how to prevent or treat the consequences of these major crises as well as other events and we will continue to do so the year to come.
