Efficacy of psychosocial interventions for mental health outcomes in low-income and middle-income countries : an umbrella review

Background Mental health conditions are leading causes of disability worldwide. Psychosocial interventions for these conditions might have a key role in their treatment, although applicability of findings to poor-resource settings might be a challenge. We aimed to evaluate the strength and credibility of evidence generated in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) on the efficacy of psychosocial interventions for various mental health outcomes.


Longitudinal associations of psychological resilience with mental health and functioning among military personnel : A meta-analysis of prospective studies


Military personnel are exposed to severe stressors across different stages of their career that may have a negative impact on mental health and functioning. It is often suggested that psychological resilience plays an important role in the maintenance and/or enhancement of their mental health and functioning under these circumstances.


Assessment of Factors Associated With Long-term Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among 56 388 First Responders After the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake

Importance:  First responders are at risk for developing symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Little is known about the risk factors for developing PTSD during a years-long period after complex mass disasters.


Objective:  To explore the long-term course of PTSD symptoms and to identify risk factors and their relative association with PTSD among first responders dispatched to the 2011 Japanese earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster.


Understanding Relations Between Intolerance of Uncertainty, Social Anxiety, and Body Dissatisfaction in Women

Body dissatisfaction (BD) is highly prevalent among young females and is associated with negative mental health outcomes. Social anxiety (SA) has been identified as an important determinant of BD; however, potential factors underlying SA-related BD remain unstudied. Research indicates that intolerance of uncertainty (IU), the tendency to respond negatively to uncertainty, may be critical for developing and maintaining SA.


Optogenetic sleep enhancement improves fear-associated memory processing following trauma exposure in rats

Sleep disturbances are commonly found in trauma-exposed populations. Additionally, trauma exposure results in fear-associated memory impairments. Given the interactions of sleep with learning and memory, we hypothesized that increasing sleep duration following trauma exposure would restore overall function and improve trauma-induced fear-associated memory dysfunction.

The Impact of Moral-Based Appraisals on Psychological Outcomes in Response to Analogue Trauma : An Experimental Paradigm of Moral Injury.


There is evidence that negative appraisals about events violating moral expectations (i.e., moral injury) may contribute to psychological outcomes (i.e., non-fear reactions, intrusive memories, physiological responses). However, the causal impact of these appraisals is not well understood due to limited attempts to examine these relationships experimentally.


Anxiety and depression symptoms, and lack of emotional support among the general population before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. A prospective national study on prevalence and risk factors

Background: The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health and emotional support among the general population are unclear. We therefore assessed if the prevalence of high Anxiety and Depression Symptoms (ADS) levels and lack of Emotional Support (ES) increased, and if risk factors of ADS and ES changed.


Migration and dementia : a meta-analysis of epidemiological studies in Europe

To provide an overview of epidemiological studies of dementia among migrant groups in Europe and to estimate their pooled odds ratio (OR) v. the reference population.


Sexual function and pelvic floor activity in women : the role of traumatic events and PTSD symptoms

Background: Traumatic sexual experiences can negatively affect sexual functioning and increase pelvic floor activity in women, especially when post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is developed. However, little is known about the effect of other types of interpersonal and non-interpersonal, traumatic experiences on sexual function and pelvic floor overactivity. 
