The world is a scary place? : investigating treatments and assessment for children after trauma

This dissertation provides new insights about treatments and assessment for children who experienced traumatic events. We investigated the comparative effectiveness of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) by means of a randomized controlled trial (RCT). The results of this trial suggest that both treatments are effective and...

Evaluating the feasibility of complex interventions in mental health services : standardised measure and reporting guidelines.

The feasibility of implementation is insufficiently considered in clinical guideline development, leading to human and financial resource wastage.
To develop (a) an empirically based standardised measure of the feasibility of complex interventions for use within mental health services and (b) reporting guidelines to facilitate feasibility assessment.

Use of Psychotropic Medication Groups in People with Severe Mental Illness and Stressful Childhood Experiences

Stressful childhood experiences (SCE) are associated with a variety of health and social problems. In people with severe mental illness (SMI) traumatic childhood experiences have been linked to more severe and treatment refractory forms of psychiatric symptoms, including psychotic symptoms. This study evaluates the use of psychotropic medication groups in a population of people with SMI and SCE, testing the association between SCE and prescription medication in an SMI population.

Understanding terror and violence in the lives of children and adolescents

Millions of children each year are exposed to acute events that affect one individual or family at a time (e.g., car accidents, residential fire, street violence, sudden medical events) (Langeland & Olff, 2008). Less frequent, but with major impact, are terror attacks. Across the world, terrorist groups, single actor terrorists, and perpetrators of school shootings have attacked groups of children and youth in spaces thought to provide safety.

Traumatisierungen in der Entwicklung - unterschiedliche Verläufe stationärer Psychotherapie bei jugendlichen Patienten mit und ohne Traumatisierung

Summary Objective: Aim of the study was to examine differences between the course of inpatient treatment in adolescents with different extents of trauma history.Methods: Using multilevel analysis, we investigated the differences between the course of inpatient treatment in adolescents without trauma history, with emotional trauma and complex trauma.Results: Regarding the GSI of the SCL-90-R, patients with trauma history showed significantly more symptom reduction than patients without trauma history.

Treating intrusions, promoting resilience: an overview of therapies for trauma-related psychological disorders

The efficacy of psychotherapeutic approaches in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be regarded as empirically demonstrated. Overall, effect sizes appear to be higher for psychotherapy than for medication. Many well-controlled trials with a mixed variety of trauma survivors have demonstrated that trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) is effective in treating PTSD. Prolonged exposure therapy (PE) is currently seen as the treatment with the strongest evidence for its efficacy.

Traumas complexes et identisation : le cas des enfants en situation de rue

Many children face adversity in their first years of life and are sometimes forced to a life without childhood. This is the case of some children in street situations. The stress of wandering has an impact on their psychological and emotional development and also on their identification process.
